Friday, October 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
August 13th Emergency Meeting Minutes
Meeting was scheduled to start at 6:30 PM. It started at 6:45 PM
- Commander Hoff informed us of the current Prostitute/John details. (2 per month)
- Chief Sheppard updated us on Cameras. (Proposals out look for late September or early October.
- Mike needs court docket to list on our web page arrests for prostitu so people can get this information. (It may help as a deterrent)
1. Warnings – "stops" for johns with known prostitutes
2. Legalization of prostitution
3. How do you do the “Bill Board” concept? (sending the right message)
4. Education for prostitutes - where they can go to get out of the lifestyle
5. Private fund for two police & a car to cover an area. (Not part of regular budget)
6. Grants
7. Photos online of plate numbers/johns in cars with known prostitutes
8. Ankle bracelets for prostitutes released from previous night's arrest
9. Health Department - currently involved with the LA230 group - FYI - The next meeting of the 230 Group will be at 5:30pm September 12, 2007 at Charles St. Settlement House.
10. Parade to show the neighbor united
11. City channel 12 - post arrested johns face and bio/info to embarrass them/deter from recidivism
12. Phone tree (Neighborhood Watch)
13. Pac-Tac - need more boots on the ground
14. Education for johns - what they are doing to our neighborhood and to their loved ones
15. Compound for those who continue to spread diseases like AIDS/etc (actually happened in other countries - look it up)
16. Put names/addresses in paper - Not only D&C
17. Hot line # - Chief said for dispatch it may not be acceptable (Duplicate 911)
18. Live camera on Lyell/McNaughton and/or other "hot spots"
19. Vigilantes (this idea was not encouraged!)
20. Use ugly undercover decoys for John details (so they could blend in better)
21. Youth (young adults 16yrs+) involvement - drivers with extra sets of eyes to text message and use camera phones, perhaps for school credit/public service hours
22. Change laws - make prostitution have harsher penalties
23. Check history - what has worked in other areas (city and county)
24. Use businesses/churches for help
25. Police support - more arrests, quicker response times
26. Reports need to be generated for all quality of life nuisance calls (Crime information dispersed more timely to LONA - track patterns earlier, notify area/street's residents)
27. Sue RPD
28. Net support
29. Support anonymity (as to who called)
30. Beautify neighborhoods
31. Occupy vacant houses - owner occupied housing encouraged
32. County funds available to help our efforts
33. Promote overall education in our neighborhood
Next meeting September 10, 2007 from 6 to 7 PM before our Regular LONA Meeting.
Come with your VISION of what our neighborhood should be when we are done.
What does Lyell-Otis look like at "the end"?
LONA's 2007-2008 School Year Meeting Schedule
Monday, August 6, 2007
National Night Out Against Crime - Sector 3 Style!
Sector 3, of which LONA is a member, will be holding it's National Night Out Against Crime event TONIGHT, Monday, August 6th - ALL ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND!
We meet at 5PM at Edison High School on Colfax Street to prepare for the neighborhood car parade.
We will reconvene at Edgerton Community Recreation Center around 6PM, and enjoy some light refreshments, nice conversations, as well as face painting for the kids!
It's sure to be a fun time! We hope you will choose to participate!
Tuesday, August 7th is the Official National Night Out Against Crime, and we ask for you to participate by leaving your front/porch light on. This is a great evening to meet your neighbors, and to let the "bad" element in the area know that they are not welcome here, as we are a nice little bedroom community that does not tolerate illegal activities in our area! (So there! Ptthhww! LOL)
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Mayor Robert J. Duffy today announced the release of the recommendations portion of the Citywide Housing Market Study. The full recommendations portion of the Housing Market Study can now be viewed at
"Now we can embark on formulating a housing policy and continue to ensure that investment is based on community input and thorough data analysis," said Mayor Robert J. Duffy. "The next stage of policy-making will involve taking the Study to residents through public meetings in each quadrant of the city, meetings with neighborhood leaders and other community stakeholders, and working closely with City Council. The recommendations and public feedback will be used to form our new policy. It’s important that we offer everyone a seat at the table as we continue to shape our City’s housing policy."
The Study involved a thorough analysis of the city and its neighborhoods, including research of national best practices, more than 100 personal interviews and several focus groups representing residents, neighborhood leaders, realtors, bankers, developers, City staff, and service providers.
A wide range of ideas and strategies resulted from the Study, including:
• Capitalize on the growing number of people who want to live in the city and provide them with greater range of housing options. Grow and build on successful efforts like the City’s "City Living Sundays" campaign.
• Strategically focus public investment, using an inclusive public process and a consistent process for monitoring trends, to ensure that investments are having the intended impact.
• Build on the City’s considerable Brownfield redevelopment successes. Lobby Albany for additional resources to provide developers with the resources and technical assistance to continue our Brownfields recovery.
Sign up for announcements and email reminders at the Study website,
Friday, July 27, 2007
We were the "Bright Spot" on 13WHAM-TV!
![]() |
The Injury Free Coalition , Allstate, and all the volunteers 07/26/07)
Tonight our Bright Spot shines on the dedication of a safe place to play.
I had trouble with my computer when I tried to view this video clip, but I hope it works for you!
We had such a great time! Thank you, to the camera crews/reporters who braved the very hot and muggy weather to come and cover our fun and uplifting event!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
by Bonyen Lee photo by Chris Coffey Published Jul 14, 2007 |
There's one more safe place for children to play, thanks to a $60,000 'Little Hands' grant from Allstate Insurance Company.
Volunteers built a new playground at J.P. Riley park. The Injury Free Coalition for Kids out of Golisano Children's Hospital received the money. Doctors from Strong volunteered their time Saturday.
The new play equipment replaced play parts that were more than 30 years old.
Doctor Anne Brayer is a pediatric emergency doctor. She wrote the grant when she noticed a need among children who hurt themselves because of bad play equipment or because of a lack of play areas.
"It's a safe place for kids to congregate, Dr. Brayer said. "It allows them to play outside, which is much more healthy for them than being indoors all the time. It's a great place for families to come and congregate - there will be benches for parents and a place for them to interact with their kids as well."
The playground also features a brand new basketball court.
For more information on the Injury Free Coalition for Kids, click on the link below.
Injury Free Coalition for Kids
Golisano Children's Hospital Print Friendly Version
Thursday, July 12, 2007
July 12th Emergency Meeting Minutes
Hi, Everyone! We had a great meeting this evening with Deputy Chief Of Police Sheppard!
It was wonderful seeing so many of our neighbors and local business people in attendance! I hope even more folks will join us at our next meeting! There will be another Special Topic Meeting with Deputy Sheppard on Monday, August 13th at 6:30pm at the Lyell Branch Library. Please come to listen and to be heard!
Most of the meeting was a rousing discussion between the attendees and Deputy Sheppard. LONA thanks him for his dedication to our group, and for spending his valuable time with us this evening!
Deputy Sheppard informed us that the security cameras are still being researched, as we don't want to invest in technology that will be obsolete in just a few short years. We want to invest in cameras that will be able to be integrated into newer and more versatile systems, especially ones that are wireless and capable of being linked to the Internet, as well as being weather-proof, bullet-proof, and be able to turn in 380 degrees. The new tentative date that they will be installed is now set for mid October 2007. We can't wait!
The placement of the cameras will be a very involved process, and Deputy Sheppard assured us that community members' input will be welcomed and valued. There will be many different variables that will be considered, such as the number of calls for service in any given area, as well as the observations by area residents. The security cameras will have the ability to be moved to "hot spots" as the crime patterns change, but Deputy Sheppard anticipates that once a camera is in place, and the level of disturbance/crimes are lowered/eliminated, it will be very difficult to convince the people in the area to give up "their" camera so it can be used elsewhere.
I asked if the City of Rochester could utilize the all-encompassing camera technique, like the one used in London. After watching CNN, I was impressed by their level of efficiency and effectiveness in apprehending the terrorists in the past few weeks. I wondered if the county could use federal homeland security funds to create a similar camera program here. Deputy Sheppard said that in the future, we may emulate a similar program, but it is not in the plans for right now. He said that the idea had been proposed by Mayor Johnson over ten years ago, but many were in opposition, saying that it might violate civil liberties.
Deputy Sheppard has not yet found out about setting up a "Hooker Hotline", but he assured us that he will return in August with that information. LONA residents would like this to be a number where anyone can call in when they spot a prostitute, so that the police can come immediately and arrest them, their pimp, and the "john". Deputy Sheppard also updated us that, as he had promised, there have been, and will continue to be, at least two prostitution details per month. The last one netted over twenty "ladies" and "johns".
He has not yet gotten approval for the cable television public access channel posting of the "johns", but he did give us some suggestions on how to go about publicizing the names and faces in other creative ways. As most of the "johns" are coming from the suburbs and surrounding areas, we in this area of the city hope to shame the customers into finding their vices somewhere closer to their own homes.
We discussed how there is prostitution in all suburbs, and the whole of Monroe County, but it operates differently, by manner of escort services and "call girls". We joked and said how we'd love to have that same level of business conduct here, as no one connects the MainStreet of Pittsford (just used as an example) with the place to pick up prostitutes, like they do with Lyell Avenue. The shame is that the overwhelming majority of our area is as nice as any suburb, but it is very hard to shake that long-standing perception, due to the bad publicity that makes the news, more so than all of the good that goes on in our neighborhood - as in our rebuilding the J.P. Riley Park playground this Saturday!! Hint, hint :)
We discussed the underlying problem of drugs being a factor to why these women are on the streets in the first place. We all agreed that the penalties must be more severe, especially for the recidivistic ones, and that there must be a drug treatment program that helps turn these women around, so that when they are released from jail, they won't fall back into the same lifestyle.
The drug issue is also a problem in the suburbs, but the dealing is handled quietly in homes and by phone arrangements, versus openly on the streets. Also, people buying drugs in the suburbs are often buying in larger quantities than the less affluent users here in the city. Residents expressed frustration that police reports were not automatically generated when we call 911 for help, thereby not adding nuisance points to properties, and not making landlords responsible for the illegal activities happening which are infringing on our quality of life. Drug deals, loud noise/music, and domestic violence continue to plague the area, but it appeared to some attendees, that because our area is less affluent, less action is taken to make the necessary changes to eradicate the problems.
It was decided that we would be creative as we do our part to help combat the problems in our area. LONA will be posting the license plate numbers and vehicle's owner's names on our web site, as well as using digital photography and video cameras to record the "johns" with the prostitutes.
Anyone who has a video camera, or digital camera, will record a video clip, or photo, along with the pertinent information - the where, when, who, and what was observed. They will then post the clip onto the popular YouTube web site. Then, they will send a link to that clip to LONA, and we will post a link to those clips.
We hope that as little Susie is online with her Pittsford Sutherland high school buddies, she will be astonished to see the same car she just borrowed to go to the movies with her friends was used only days before as a way for her loving daddy to solicit a prostitute while her mom though he was just working late, or that he was out with his co-workers/friends for their weekly poker/bowling/whatever night.
Deputy Sheppard even went so far as to promise to purchase a video camera for LONA to help us as we begin our first endeavors into the twenty-first century technology world. I will be looking for video recorder models that are easy to operate, and easy to upload onto the Internet. He will also be able to help us gather information for our license plate listings, so that our posts will be as accurate and complete as possible.
Again, our next meeting will be on Monday,August 13th at 6:30pm at the Lyell Branch Library. We hope you will attend, and bring a neighbor with you! We need as many people joined together as possible to make these important changes happen!
If anyone would like to make a comment to any of our posts, please do so! I also look forward to receiving your email address, so that we can keep you informed as quickly as possible to any and all happenings in our neighborhood.
Thanks for reading, and for supporting your neighborhood association and local Lyell area businesses!
PS - LOCAL BUSINESS OWNERS!!! Please send me your business web site so I can link it to our site, as I hope you'll link our site to yours! :)
PS - LYELL AREA RESIDENTS!!! Please send me your photos of your friends and family having fun in the Lyell Avenue area! The general public doesn't know how wonderful our neighborhood really is - and they should!
Please email me your great pictures of your new deck and pool (with your grand kids having fun!), your gorgeous gardens that you tirelessly weed and keep blooming, and any fun event that you attend at our local parks and area spots where friends, food, and fun are happening! Also, label them as to who is in the photo, since I don't know everyone in our neighborhood...yet! :)
Family, friends and fun - is what our area is REALLY all about! Let's show off the good, and it will make the bad perceptions vanish!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
CITY GARDENING CONTEST ENTRY DEADLINE IS JULY 31 (City of Rochester News Release - 07/03/2007)
Award winners will be chosen in the following categories:
Best Neighborhood Enhancement Garden
Best Educational Garden Project
Best Wildlife Habitat Garden
Best Use of a Water Feature
Best Use of Container Gardening
Individuals may enter their own garden or that of a friend and/or neighbor. Entry blanks are available at City library branches and City Recreation and Community centers, or access via the Democrat and Chronicle web site:, call 428-6770 or fax 428-6021.
Completed entries must be returned to the City's Bureau of Recreation at 400 Dewey Ave., Rochester, NY 14613. Winners will be recognized in the fall during an official City Hall ceremony, at which time they will receive professionally enlarged and matted photographs of their winning gardens and certificates.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
CITY OF ROCHESTER, RTS, & RG&E Join in to Support Efforts
Mayor Robert J. Duffy joined Deputy Mayor Patricia Malgieri this morning to announce seven-day per week operations at Durand-Eastman Beach, starting today, and the initiation of operation "Cool Sweep" on Tuesday, June 26.
"We continue to receive tremendously positive feedback from the community. The beach has welcomed more than 2600 visitors since its opening at the end of May, said Mayor Duffy. "They are rediscovering this great natural resource and it's wonderful to see."
Mark Aesch, CEO of the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA) announced that RTS Route 5 weekend and holiday bus service would be provided to the beach starting June 30.
"More people are choosing public transportation to beat the high cost of gas and in Rochester, more customers are choosing RTS," said Aesch. "Our partnership with the City of Rochester during the summer months allows RTS to meet the increased demand for weekend service to Durand-Eastman Beach on the Route 5 St. Paul. We are pleased to be able to make the beach accessible to all city residents for just $1.25."
RTS's Rt. 5 St. Paul St. to Summerville route, will be extended from St. Paul, then easterly on Lakeshore Blvd. The route extension will loop at the Kings Highway and park road triangle area and back to St. Paul Blvd. A bus stop is located at the grassy area at the east end of Area A at the beach. (Schedule attached.)
The beach will operate seven days a week through September 2. For beach swimming closures, residents may call 753-5887. The County-operated telephone hotline is updated daily at 10:00am.
Bob Bergin, RG&E Director of Public Affairs, also joined the Mayor to announce their sponsorship of operation "Cool Sweep," for the second straight year. "Cool Sweep" is designed to provide relief from the heat for city residents who have limited access to swimming and bathing facilities. The initiative starts June 26.
"I want to thank RG&E. They continue to demonstrate a strong commitment to the community," said Mayor Duffy. "This innovative program helped keep our neighborhoods safe and cool throughout the summer last year. I'm proud to bring it back."
"Cool Sweep is a great opportunity for residents to enjoy the summer and feel relief from summer's heat. RG&E is pleased to again partner with Mayor Duffy and the City of Rochester to provide this service to the people of the city," said RG&E's Bob Bergin.
The City's "Cool Sweep" program runs Mon. - Sat., from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. through Sept. 2, at a minimum of four locations when the temperature exceeds 85 degrees. The sites will be staffed by Recreation, Environmental Services staff and Fire Department personnel. In addition, the Rochester Police Department will patrol the areas.
The locations are:
— Edgerton Park, 41 Backus St.
— Gardiner Playground, 75 Grover St.
— Baden Park, 485 N. Clinton Ave.
— School # 41, 279 W. Ridge Rd.
— School # 7, 31 Bryan St. (On a variable basis)
During times of extreme heat the Rochester Fire Department may also dispatch additional apparatus to various neighborhoods to spray water using diffusers, depending on staff availability.
The City also maintains indoor and outdoor pool facilities and spray parks. The Mayor may extend the hours of operations depending on weather conditions, at the following locations:
Avenue D Pool, 200 Ave. D (428-7934)— Carter Street Spray Park, 500 Carter St. (428-7890)
— Flint Street Pool, 271 Flint St. (428-7001)
— Fourth and Peck Spray Park, Fourth St. (428-7294)
— Humboldt Spray Park, 1045 Atlantic Ave. (428-7294)
— North Street Pool, 700 North St., (428-7149)
— Webster Avenue Pool, 530 Webster Ave. (428-7828)
The Rochester Public Libraries may also be made available for extended hours to provide a comfortable air conditioned environment for our senior citizens and persons with special needs.
LONA's June Meeting Minutes will be posted soon!
Please check back on August 31st, as I hope to have the minutes completed by then!
Also, if anyone would like to be the official LONA Recording Secretary, just contact Mike Visconte, or me, and we'll be happy to welcome you aboard! :)
LONA will be holding an "emergency meeting" to follow-up with the Deputy Chief of Police Shepard, as he was not able to attend in June. An announcement will be made on this website, and you will also receive a phone call as soon as a date is selected. If you aren't currently on our call or email lists, please email me with your contact information, and we will be sure to invite you!!! We need everyone to be involved as we continue to make our area better than ever! :)
Thursday, June 7, 2007
We Are Loyal To LONA!
Have a happy and safe summer break!
Be sure to keep calling the Lyell NET at 428-7620, when there are quality of life violations, and 911, whenever you see illegal activity. They need your calls to build cases against the slumlords and "bad" tenants so they can be removed from our wonderful neighborhood!
Every call counts! Each voice must be heard! Stay ever vigilant! Kemper Fie! LOL
Of course, you can also contact your friendly LONA officers:
President - Mike Visconte:
Vice President - Bob Van Sice: 458-3784
Treasurer - Mary Ann Batz: 647-2333
Public Relations Coordinator (and current Secretary) - Pam Davis:
We are always willing to help our neighbors document - with cameras and visual confirmations - any problems occurring on their streets. We will also add to the number of calls for service to 911 and the NET to help accrue nuisance points against landlords/tenants who are not adhering to our neighborhood's high level of expected quality of life.
Thank you for joining LONA and we look forward to working with you next year as well!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
D&C's article: Duffy's budget focuses on safety
Duffy's budget focuses on safety | |||||||
Friday, April 27, 2007
Rochester's Public Market - a great place to shop!
As part of Mayor Robert Duffy's ongoing effort to improve public safety and customer service, effective Sat., May 5, several changes in traffic circulation, parking and product pick-up will be instituted at the Rochester Public Market, 280 N. Union St.
Specifically, these include:
• Expanded and relocated disabled parking
• Traffic on the Market's inner circle will be eliminated
• In some areas, the circulation of traffic will be redirected
• A new, "Veggie-Valet" service, managed by members of the Friends of the Public Market, will facilitate customer pick-ups
• A new, commercial customer registration and loading system
The "Veggie-Valet" service is based on a successful model developed at the Ferry Terminal Market in San Francisco. Market shoppers can now "store" their purchases in a central location in the Market and then bring their vehicle to a convenient, designated pick-up location. Members of the all-volunteer Friends of the Market will manage this operation.
Restaurants, stores and other large, commercial customers can now register and receive a sticker that will permit them access to one of two areas designated solely for their use. Flat bed "trucks" will also be provided for use by commercial vendors to facilitate the movement of product throughout the market site.
Handicap parking has been relocated and expanded. Consumers should follow the new signage directing them to those spaces. Additionally, the Market has increased the number of off-site parking directly across from the Union Street entrance. Parking is also available on Saturdays at Ametek Industries at 255 N. Union Street.
Dept. of Recreation and Youth Services Commissioner Charles Reaves said that, "These changes will make the our historic Public Market even safer and more pedestrian-friendly. We are focusing on improvements in customer service and this will increase convenience for our shoppers and commercial customers in pick-up and loading. During the first few weeks of the transition, we ask that visitors pay attention to the new traffic signs and to be patient as people get used to the new systems."
For more information on the commercial loading registrationsystem, or the new parking and circulation system, call the Market at 428-6907.
The Mayor is asking the community to again show their civic pride and come together to help clean up the city's streets. Volunteers are encouraged to sign up for one or more Saturday Sweeps, taking place rain or shine, 8:30 a.m. - noon, Saturdays, Apr. 28 - May 19.
During the Saturday Sweeps, volunteers get a Clean Sweep t-shirt, join together for coffee and donuts, get assigned to a team, receive their tools and then go out to beautify the streets. At noon, they'll meet up again for a picnic lunch. The City's show wagon stage and a large tent are set up and music plays throughout the morning, making for a fun and festive atmosphere.
Different city vendors are solicited each week to provide the goodies. This Saturday, breakfast will be provided by George's Bakery of S. Clinton Ave. and lunch will be catered by Unkl Moe's BBQ of West Ave. Starbucks of Monroe Ave. in the city is donating coffee and RG&E is donating $12,000 to Clean Sweep for program expenses.
The Saturday Sweeps will take place 8:30 a.m. - noon at the following locations:
Apr. 28, Genesee Valley Park &131 Elmwood Ave. (southwest);
May 5, NET Area F Office, 500 Norton St. - at the old Silver Stadium site. (northeast);
May 12, Edgerton Park, 41 Backus St. (northwest);
May 19, East High School, 1801 E. Main St. (southeast).
Volunteers or neighborhood groups who would like to organize their own street or block projects during the week to collect litter, rake tree lawns or perform a special clean up or beautification project can call their local NET office. The City will provide suggested projects, tools and bags, mulch, soil and/or flowers for planting.
Those wishing to volunteer for one or more Saturday Sweeps may register by calling the 428-5990 or visiting Walk-ups on the morning of the Sweeps are also welcome. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and teams will hit the streets at nine. Volunteers are asked to wear appropriate clothing, including hard-soled shoesand long pants. Gloves and tools will be provided, but volunteers are encouraged to bring their own, if possible.
More than 700 volunteers have signed up to be a part of the year's first "Clean Sweep," tomorrow, 8:30 a.m., April 28 at Genesee Valley Park, 131 Elmwood Ave. The volunteers will be welcomed by the Mayor for coffee and donuts, get their t-shirts and tools and then head out in teams to clean up the city's southwest neighborhoods. City crews will be out in force supporting their efforts. Afterwards, participants will return for a picnic lunch at noon.
"Rochester's Clean Sweep...Showing Pride in Our City," is Mayor Robert J. Duffy's initiative designed to bring the entire community together to help give Rochester a "spring cleaning." Last year's spring Clean Sweep was so successful, a fall sweep was added and more than 5,000 volunteers picked up 1,500 tons of debris. Volunteers are still invited to sign up for any or all of the upcoming Sweeps by calling 428-5990 or visiting
The Lyell-Otis area's Clean Sweep will be held on Saturday, May 12th. Please join us as we tidy up and help make our neighborhood even MORE BEAUTIFUL!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Mayor Robert J. Duffy today announced a new initiative designed to reinvigorate Rochester's neighborhoods. The online survey portion of the Rochester Citywide Housing Market Study is up an running. This innovative website combines carefully collected market data with a full analysis of the city's neighborhoods, as well as their financial environments and housing programs.
In addition to an online survey, the website ( offers several unique sections, including 16 interactive, thematic city maps on different topics ranging from changes in sale prices to code violations. There is a photo gallery of Rochester's neighborhoods, historic city photos and links to Rochester's neighborhood groups.
"This site will provide us with vital information," said Mayor Robert J. Duffy. "It will be a valuable tool for future housing policy and investment decisions. We are placing a great deal of emphasis on customer satisfaction as well as on data-driven policymaking."
The City retained urban design, architecture and planning firm Interfaith Studio, LLC, of Philadelphia, PA, to lead a team of local and national experts in assessing the housing market for the entire city. The study will include an evaluation of the social, economic and physical characteristics of Rochester's neighborhoods. The City's major housing programs as well as those of other local non-profits will undergo the study's review, as will the investment patterns of public and private dollars across the city. Rochester's lending environment, including foreclosure rates and predatory lending practices will be assessed. The market study will include over 70 interviews to understand the challenges and opportunities associated with Rochester's neighborhoods. Focus groups will be held with residents, community organizations, Realtors, developers, housing service providers, bankers and City staff.
The results of the survey and study will be a set of recommendations intended to guide the future planning efforts of City agencies, private and non-profit organizations around one shared vision and action strategy. When the study is complete, it will be published on the website for public review and comment.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes of May 14th, 2007
Meeting Began: 7:06pm - Welcome from Mike
Lyell NET’s Director, Jose Cruz:- TOP 15 properties list discussed
- please call the NET regarding specific issues; lots of reports of HG&W, T&D, tires, illegal dumping
- Clean Sweep was very successful; approximately 1200 volunteers helped in our area; great catered lunch
- UPLIFT program began on Emerson St; enlists many departments/groups to address social/legal issues on targeted streets; two more are planned for June ‘07, one more planned for July ‘07
- NET’s new mobile computer system helps speed up inspectors’ impact
Lyell Branch Library’s Director, Shelly Matthews:
- nutrition classes for care-givers of young children will begin soon; please register ASAP
- needs more participants, as this is the pilot program
- gardening volunteers are needed to help plant flowers
March Minutes: accepted into the record
Announcement: a new Secretary is needed for LONA
Burglary/Robbery Report:
- GOOD NEWS! No robberies occurred, only some minor burglaries; time of day is not a factor to the burglars
- discussed the police officers walking the neighborhood in the targeted areas; there is a pattern of problems moving into other areas of our neighborhood
- discussed renewing S.T.O.P. (Security Team On Patrol)
LONA President, Mike Visconte:
- upset about the NBN sector president’s meeting; LONA’s neighborhood initiatives were not acknowledged and/or downplayed - as if neighborhood groups only hold meetings
- LONA has done it all! From starting the court watch program, helping with the prostitution details, overseeing the "johns" community service hours, etc. etc. etc...
- seemed like the city/sector wanted to "take over" everything, whereas we LIVE HERE and CARE about our neighborhood!
Volunteer request:
- J.P. Riley Park one day build; meet in the morning with coffee; hots and soda pop lunch after the work is completed in the afternoon
- two weeks later, you are welcome to attend a ribbon-cutting ceremony
Special Guest Speaker - City of Rochester’s Deputy Chief of Police Shepard:
- discussed the neighborhood’s security cameras, and where things stand as of now; we don’t want to buy the wrong type, so research and comparisons are being made; Chicago’s system is excellent, we might like the same
- wants "microwave" system (wireless), but it is restrictive, as it must have a clear line of sight
- regardless of whatever system we select, it should be up and in use by August 2007!
- citizens of the Lyell-Otis neighborhood want to have input as to the cameras’ locations, as this point was promised to us by the mayor himself! Police will listen to input, and look at data to confirm.
- "shot-spotter" not as successful as expected; can pin-point within ten feet, but has gotten false readings too
- police department may need to combine 311 call center with the camera program, so as not to add a position
- discussed calls for service; area neighbors say it seems like there’s not enough personnel; Deputy Chief wants to see better response times as well
- discussed the level of need for police in our area, compared to other city neighborhoods; 14621 is the "neediest" of all on all counts, regarding social services and public safety
- discussed prostitution problem and drug problem, as they are linked together; jail won’t solve the problem, but drug court helps!
- discussed the lack of action taken on the county level to help lift up our quality of life as we pay county taxes as well; suggested the creation of a task force to look into the situation; lots of people have been constantly working on this problem, but many in the rest of the county want to "keep it in the city on Lyell Avenue", hence, if you’re a prostitute, you know where to go for work, and if you are a "john", you know where to find them
- discussed prostitutes’ actions i.e.: knocking on doors, asking residents for money; as they are on drugs; intervention is needed
- respect for city residents, especially here in Lyell-Otis, is lacking from the county officials, as there are prostitutes in Pittsford as well, yet the quality of life remains high there.
- discussed the decrease in prostitution police details, as the city ran out of funding to run them
- the "hooker hotline" worked well for 1 ½ years
- drugs bring the prostitutes here; discussed why it takes so long to shut down the drug houses
- if "busted", a new person is put in place to continue the sales
- discussed the ways to get drug dealers evicted, or build up nuisance points against the property
- discussed how to get the landlords involved; also discussed the problem of out-of-state owners buying multiple properties
- discussed the walking police officers, and why Interfaith seems to have more influence than area residents; program will be assessed after one year
Deputy Chief Shepard will return with updates for us on:
1. Walking beats - we want to see them moved around so the prostitutes/drug dealers won’t know where or when officers will show up
2. Attend our June 11th meeting
3. Look into TV Channel 12 showing booking photos of convicted "johns"
4. Prostitute Hotline
5. Commit to doing two details per month (for now), increase the frequency as soon as possible
City Councilman, Bob Stevenson:
- six court watchers have "watched", in total, 2400 per year
- explained that the judges want to clear the docket as fast as possible
- prostitutes are recidivistic due to their drug addiction
- watchers must follow case after case, but the program works, and parking is reimbursed
- trying to get penalty for prostitution increased to "class A misdemeanor"
- prostitutes can’t be sentenced to drug court, but we hope they take it, as we’d rather have them cured
- Susan John has sponsored this bill, but "downstate" does not back us up
- discussed the high number of people going through the court on a recent Saturday: each one spent less than 2 minutes talking to the A.D.A., the judge, and etc.
- discussed the upcoming city budget vote; lots of cuts and reduction of services
- city budget will be able to be seen online:
- 6/19 will be the public hearing at 7pm regarding the city budget, only one week before the council votes
Remember!!! Please sign up to help with the J.P. Riley Park build!
Meeting Adjourned: 8:35pm
Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes of March 12, 2007
Meeting Began at 7:07pm
Welcome - to our first meeting after the winter break
A moment of silence was observed for two of our members who passed away recently: Mary Morinelli and Dusty Q. Dusty
Water Works new command center re-opening
- "green" building to save energy; even H2O saving restrooms!
- possibly awarded by the state for the building
- wanted to buy LTD’s old warehouse on Sherman St, but the owner tripled the price and tried to fleece/price gouge the city
Housing Committee - meetings continuing monthly with the NET office
Frank Cornier - NCS’s new director Community Development Corporation
- helps with grants for the neighborhood
- program covers the area from Cameron St, up to Otis St, to Glide St, and down to Lyell Ave.
- owner occupied houses; focusing on homes with children living there because the city doesn’t test for lead in non-rentals; also helps grandparents who watch their grandchildren as well
- identify and paint stabilize areas and retest
- no cost to owner for work - labor or supplies; the final paint color, usually a gallon or so, is not covered in this program
Q. How is this promoted?
A. Flyers are passed out door to door as well as word-of-mouth; applications are being taken now
- $9000 from United Way was donated for tools and primer, which can help about 20 homes.
- NCS will apply for more funding in August
Joe Esposito - Lyell Avenue Business Association (LABA) Lyell Avenue Music Fest 2007
- one day event, Sunday - August 25th, including a car show with "hot rods" and "low riders"
Q. Could this event be added onto other city event calendars to add publicity
A. Gladys Santiago yes!
Burglary/Robbery Reports - listing of January and February incidents
- many copper pipes were stolen from homes; police are working on this due to the high number if incidents to area homes
- in one instance, appliances were also stolen, and the robbers left the gas line open!
Bob Stevenson’s representative (as he is in DC)
- W.A.V.E. meeting (which is every other week) covers problem properties
Bob heard a commercial on the radio from a scrap business offering to buy copper, stainless steel, and other metals; most are decent businesses, though a few are not so good
- working on the legality of issuing an ordinance that would only apply to the city
City Council is working on addressing the issue, as there have been many copper pipes stolen all over the city
Comment - Painted copper is not usually stolen
A. These preventive measures are being discussed community wide by the council with the county on this issue
Two robberies listed are of a greater concern: in one incident, a victim was stabbed as he didn’t have any money, the other involved a gun
Comment - Interfaith Action pushed for foot patrols, but these patrols are pushing crime into our better areas
A. LONA did approve these patrols, but we now see that it is not working as desired. The patrols should take all four of them to cover the whole area and push out the problems, such as prostitutes and drug dealers.
LONA sees that the current situation is not better.
TOP 15 Properties
- lots of OLD problems; NET is aware of the issues
- the housing committee is working on all these code violations; volunteers are asked to join the committee!
- in one case, a new owner bought seven or eight properties, but he lives in NYC!
- some homes are missing gutters for years, but NET says that’s not a problem, don’t worry about it!
- if you have gutters that need repairs, get them repaired. But, if you don’t have gutters, you need gutters if the water drains off of your house onto your neighbor’s property.
- any other housing problems, please let LONA officers know about them, so we can report them
Q. Has LONA asked the city’s legal department what it takes, or what is the process, to take property away from a slum-lord? At some point, fines move from the NET to the city’s legal department. What needs to change in the law to make an impact?
A. We have problems because houses change hands so often, and the ticketing and legal processes are stopped, and then we have to start from the beginning again.
Comment - on Isabelle St.: unlicenced vehicles, or broken steps, yet the inspector says he can’t see a problem
Comment - on Glide St.: Chuck says "we’re waiting" to have the city take over the property; as good people (already good neighbors) need a house and wanted to move in. Note: There is still a sex offender living across the street
No NET Representatives Tonight :(
No Representative from the Police Department :(
JP Riley Park Playground - GOOD NEWS!
- we received $60K grant from Allstate
- $20-30K donating the needed man-power will come from the city’s parks’ department
- Edgerton Recreation will provide two groups to help
- Strong Memorial Hospital is doing the work for us, under the Injury Free Coalition For Kids
- Hoping that a proposal sent to Senator Maziar will help with more funding for $7K to help with kids’ safety
Why was this project deemed necessary?
- the area was studied and it was found to have a high number of low-income homes, many with single parents
- the area is densely populated as we have over 28K residents, with lots of young children
- play equipment was from 1980 and doesn’t meet current safety codes
- there was a high rate of child injuries in our zip code, over 2000 injured (in one year) went to Strong Hospital
- there are 61K kids in the city of Rochester; so 28% of population are children
- in the park’s area, 53% are African-American, 19% are Hispanic/Latino
- 37% of the local minority residents are under 18 years of age
- directly located around the park: 7836 people, 4800 are children
- putting over $100K to make improvements to the playground
- LONA wants to see a security camera placed there; Mayor Duffy promised that we will have a camera placement committee and LONA will be represented. Mike has called, but can’t get calls returned.
Q. Are there cameras on Santee St. already? A. Yes
Q. Where’s the building/lodge in the park? A. It burned almost two decades ago
- Volunteers are needed to help install the new play equipment and the gardens surrounding it
- There will be a cook-out afterward for all those who help with the work
Q. Will it be fenced? A. Yes, but not locked. Benches will be placed in such a way that parents can sit and supervise their children so they cannot run into the street without going by the parents
Q. Will it be well lit? A. Yes, but the park will close at either 10pm or at dusk
- The budget and equipment was a direct result of the many letters of support from: the mayor, Sector 3, Strong Memorial Hospital, and many individuals
- There will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony two weeks after the improvements are completed with many of our local politicians
Lyell-Otis Area Security Cameras - no info yet, no committee formed yet.
- LONA will find out more, as we are the ones responsible for getting the funding here, thanks to our wonderful Assemblywoman, Susan John!
TV/Phone Hotline - re: prostitutes
- Deputy Police Chief Shepard was going to look into using the city’s cable Channel 12 to put pictures of prostitutes and "johns" on - as long as it is free information, but city must O.K. it
- hotline wanted so area residents could call in to report incidents and locations for police to investigate
Comment - previously, there had been a recording type of hotline available
Lyell Library - welcome to Shelly Matthews as the new Branch Director, and thanks for letting LONA use the community room for our meetings. Thanks also to Bob Stevenson for reviewing the city council’s budget and finding how much goes to the library.
City Council’s Vice President, Gladys Santiago
- she feels bad that the residents feel that the city doesn’t respond to our concerns
- she will continue to work on our issues, as well as fulfill her demands as a full-time student!
Monroe County Legislature’s Minority Leader, Carla Palumbo
- they worked on the budget one night in December until 1:30am!
- no proposed amendments were accepted by the republicans
- burial funding increase was rejected
- not much activity in January or February, as it is post-budget
- democratic caucus meeting re: Water Authority, amendments proposed to bring better oversight to legislature
- also, looking at reform of processes, aka - how things are currently done
- working on this for the next few months, as it is good to get info and ideas out
Q. Re: burial funding - Monroe County used to give up to $1850 to do a regular burial, now only $1200 for cremation only. Riverside Cemetery sometimes donates burial plots.
A. Carla is working with the funeral community. Comment - Suffolk County gives $2200 per burial
Q. Water Authority re: their retirement benefits. What about Sewer Authority - when do those taxes go away?
A - She’s asked for them to pull the pension records, but they can’t be found; also questioning their pay, health care, and retirement records. There are cuts for new people, but we want it cut for all retired authority officials
Q. Who will the democrats choose to oppose Maggie Brooks for the county executive election this year? A.?
Re: the Glide St. renovation from Lyell Ave. to Emerson St.
- 92 cars had been side-swiped, so the street will be narrowed to slow the flow of the traffic
- there are currently no signal lights, but they have been suggested
- a microwave light will monitor turns, as an average of 4500 cars travel Glide St each week
- there will be recessed parking created at the park; and alternate parking will continue on the rest of the street
- fixing poles and planting new trees at the curb
Q. Re: many fires in the area - LONA will ask Engine 5 to come to a meeting, as our area is one of the busiest
Comments made regarding police policies, as no officer went to a crime scene on Emerson St. after a break-in.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:32pm
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Glide St. Public Improvement Project
Monday, Jan. 8, Sector 2, Marshall H.S. Auditorium, 180 Ridgeway Ave.
Tuesday, Jan. 9, Sector 1, Charlotte H.S. Auditorium, 4115 Lake Ave
Monday, Jan. 22, Sector 3, Edgerton Rec., Stardust Ballrm., 41 Backus St.
Tuesday, Jan. 23, Sector 4, Danforth Community Center, 200 West Ave.
Monday, Jan. 29, Sector 5, B&L Library, Kate Gleason Auditorium, 115 South Ave.
Tuesday, Jan. 30, Sector 6, St. John's Home, 150 Highland Ave.
Monday, Feb. 5, Sector 7, Cobbs Hill Rec., Lake Riley Lodge at Norris & Culver
Tuesday, Feb. 6, Sector 8, Dazzle Theatre, 112 Webster Ave.
Monday, Feb.26, Sector 10, Clinton-Baden Rec. Center at School #9, 485 N. Clinton Ave.
Tuesday, Feb.27, Sector 9, Lincoln Branch Library, 851 Joseph Ave.