LONA Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2005
Mike called the meeting to order at 7:06pm:
Announcements: Asked for updates of members addresses, volunteer for street captains, distributed copies of the burglary/robbery report, new sex offenders in our area, housing report
LONA Officer Elections: all were re-elected
Mike Visconte - President, Bob Van Sice - Vice President, Mary Ann Batz - Treasurer, Pam Davis - Secretary, Franklin Louk - LONA Security: 298-3258
Mary Ann B. (Treas.) - Cookbooks and Dues
- Our current balance - $35.90; Funds pay for meeting site permit, photocopies, mailings, etc
- owed over $500 in printing costs, which Mike paid out of his pocket, up front
-.still need to sell $146.39 to break even; any others sold will be profit for LONA organization
- Only 16 member families have paid for this year: remember, it is only $5 per family to be a member of LONA, so when votes are needed, only paid members may vote.
- Plea for street captains! Please sign up! We need your help!
Pres. Mike: Property Code Violations: - the Top 15 that are really bad
Mike showed the completed list of all of the properties that LONA has helped bring into code with the help of our neighborhood NET office
- we add new properties each month at meetings held at the NET office; all are welcome to attend
Q: If house is sold, does the new owner pay the old fines?
A: NET Chuck - Yes if the house is bought from a person/realtor, No, if the house is bought from the city
A: Policeman Joe - same with nuisances
NET Chuck, Assistant NET Administrator - update from last meeting: 480 Emerson /Santee corner
- owner is misleading NET regarding the work schedule, has met with police, NET, engineers, etc
- property must be fixed or demolished! Engineers will inspect the falling bricks (facade)
re: the Otis St. Pallet Co. - George Whitaker of CSX (the slowest group to work with)
- debris was on the train tracks
- truck on Wolf St side; owner held for employee to buy it, but was damaged during the waiting time
re: gutter issues were taken care of at 60 Curlew St.
- CGR: met with the public re: NET program - next meeting on Oct 20th at Maplewood Library
- NET calls for service: HG&W, unlicensed vehicles, etc - 423 cases in enforcement in Sept. 2005
Q: re: CGR - has this study been done before? Does the city pay CGR?
A: NET Chuck - No, this was requested by the city council. Does pay for the evaluation
Q: What happens with the results?
A: There may be changes made within the NET program
NET enforces minimal standards, there are many aspects/components to NET
- new mayor and council will decide the future of NET
Q: LONA has worked with CSX for years; lots of promises but no action, they forget that you exist
A: NET Chuck - the CSX contact is all over the nation, NET has no control over CSX; agreed that it looks like a dump VP Bob Van Sice: - explained how easy it is to attend the CGR comment/critique meetings; they are a good way to get our messages across to CGR re: our feelings about NET
NET Chuck - Don't think the city is paying for a good evaluation - CGR is talking to many people for unbiased review
Q: Who pays to clean tracks?
A: CSX is responsible per meeting with Ed Dougherty
CGR is looking at all aspects of city NET program and code enforcement, budgets, etc
Mayoral candidate Chris Maj addresses our group:
- Red White and Blue Party; everyone should run for office, should look for solutions outside the current system
- re: NET - we need code enforcement, maybe focus on noise ordinances
- drug houses; likened to prohibition; current violence: much is due to drug activity
- he wants to make real changes, hire more teachers, put prostitutes are intertwined with drugs - into treatment
- clean up after Kodak, cited Buffalo and Erie County, job loss and affect on our county
- used to have 24 people on city council, we need more representation - not less
- look to other parties, see Row H
Q: How to end violence?
A: Focus on treatment; prison does not rehabilitate - when they get out, there are "turf wars"
Q: Re: drug treatment - how many make it?
A: drug court - some take it just to stay out of jail - $1 spent in treatment saves $7 in criminal justice costs
- AIDSand other diseases have been reduced
- 2.2 mil in prison, many for drugs; currently more problems the way we handle the problem, make better choices
Harry Davis running for City Council on the Red White and Blue Party:
He is a substitute teacher at East High School
2 kids in class not registered in the class - he was assaulted by student, saw transferring on money for drug deal in class
911 calls for OD (over dose) without fear of arrest
- Renaissance Square, waste of money - bus station not well planned
Karen Reixach - Rochester Safe Start: - to help kids exposed to violence
- works with daycare, police, child welfare
- more issues in community; 7 kids are dead
- real harm is done everyday at home re: domestic violence
look at the figures: street crimes in the 1000's, more calls for domestic violence - but they don't make the papers
- it's very hard on the kids
- how the community can respond to both; met with JOSANA re: issues, met with Edgerton group last week
- now LONA, maybe will come back again when there is more time to brainstorm ideas
- focus on kids 0 to 6 years old, get a good start, will have positive connections with people
- not just at the recreation center, JOSANA knows the kids on the corners
Q: talk to kids at school
A: Comment - kids don't want you to know, frightened - focus on you
Q: walk 6pm-10pm without adult supervision; so what is going on
A: Karen Reixach is the project coordinator
Comment - little ones learn from the older kids
Q: How does a neighbor get help to a 3 year old?
Comment: check with the hookers - kids are left home alone, no food, no care
A: small planning effort with Lyell Business Association to reduce the level of prostitution
Steve Miller running for City Court Judge:
- SR District Attorney; prosecute violent crime, assaults, robberies
- Samuel McCree Way - Corn Hill - wife Tracey
- former History teacher at Wilson High School, tutors at #29 elementary school
1. do justice in the courtroom
2. be role model for youth; some schools, neighborhoods they don't see mentors everyday
- very aware of issues of concern especially regarding children
Q: What are your views on rehabilitation?
A: Drug court is vital - suffering from addiction
- noviolent felony; plead guilty, stay clean for 1 year, have a job, screen test
if using, must start the year time period all over again - bench warrant, track them down
Q: Re: sex offenders
A: SORAS - the legislature has control over passing laws - Level 1, 2, and 3 (the worst) classification and how information is given out
SORAS hearing - prosecution presents to the court different points, how is their behavior in and after prison, what happened - was force used, age of victim? Call him: 820-1987
Q: to Harry Davis re: sex offenders - not good to have near children
Q: to Chris Maj - the same
A: Chris Maj - wants to lock up scumbags, the violent criminals
Pres. Mike - 2 more sex offenders are in the Lyell-Otis area - will be put on our website
NET has list in the big book of level 3 sex offenders - anyone is welcome to look at it Burglary/Robbery Report: more info and details given upon request
Q: D&C's Our Towns Rob/Burg has more information
A: we try to keep printing costs down - and membership dues down in the process, can't include all the information
- we will alert neighbors when a pattern of crime is happening on their street via a phone alert
City Councilman Bob Stevenson:
re: Mr. Finger - ADA prosecutes on Oct.24th; plea to 1½ to 3 years, or grand jury
City Council - State charters re: zoning code and land use
re: rental property - Cert. Of Occupancy: renewable every 5 years; added single family homes
- mop frequently, no paint chips; especially during the crawling stage, 6 - 18 months
- Council member Tim Mains; asks for lead-safe on a five year cycle
- another group targets oldest homes around #17 school
- landlords suggest that we inspect all homes with kids under 6 years of age
NYS requires a Type 1 action - draft environmental impact act
- to what extent do you clean up - who guarantees? Lead wipe test? Who is liable to be sued?
May cost over $20 million, since 90% were built in Rochester before 1978 - the last year lead was put in paint
- Fed and State regulations, sanitary code
- who pays? Owners? Part of tax structure? Federal grant?
- water works building - dirt moved to Trian park near x-way
- what environmental impact; will people abandon more houses in Rochester?
Pres. Mike: LONA needs street captains
Q: what are the duties?
A: represent neighbors, assistarea leaders, ie. when street lights are out, abide by LONA bylaws
VP Bob: Citizens Assembly on Oct. 24th
- 6pm at Edgerton Rec. Center
- arranged by Sector 3
- nominate a LONA person for recognition
- five area homes suggested for awards - Properties of Distinction
meeting adjourned at 8:38pm
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