Thursday, December 15, 2005

This is a helpful website that everyone can use to locate Level 3 Sex Offenders.

Enter your city (Rochester), state (New York), and zipcode - or leave it blank to get more results, then select "go".

You will also need to select "I accept" the terms of use.

Then "Click to PinPoint the Sex Offenders on the map", and you may need to use the arrows to move the map to be more specific to your particular street(s) of interest.

The zoom can also improve the map's usefullness.

I hope there are fewer of these people in our area each time you check this website. In my opinion, there are too many offenders near our city's schools, daycares, and playgrounds/parks. Please closely supervise and communicate with your children to keep them safe!

Please also check out our related page:

Thursday, December 8, 2005

LONA Meeting Minutes of November 14, 2005

LONA Meeting Minutes of November 14, 2005

Meeting began at 7:07pm


- Vice Pres. Bob Van Sice was sick and could not attend this meeting

- please make sure your name and email information is correct

- we need street captains!

Please report any action on you street, or repairs needed, like street lights that are out or big potholes, etc.

Burglary/Robbery Report - NET’s Policeman Joe Hayes:

- few incidents in our area for the past month

Comment: Bergen St was not listed because it was a vacant property, so not counted as Burg/Rob

- Kessler, Robin, Avery Streets: close proximity in the area

- criminals are looking for unlocked doors or windows or high shrubs; they search for targets with the least resistance; don’t leave keys in cars - even when pumping gas!

- PS2's, X-Box, DVD players and other electronic equipment pieces are being stolen

- Santee St: walk-up with a knife, people came to help victimized neighbor and robber was scared off

- Day Light Savings Time: providing criminals with the cover of darkness

- we must watch out for each other; call 911 when something doesn’t look right in our neighborhood

- three to four group size of teens ages 15-18 were seen watching people, good reason to call 911

- new mayor Bob Duffy, and new police chief effective January 1, 2006, re: chief - more than ten names are being tossed around

Q: CGR (Center for Governmental Research) - any news on the future of the NET program?

A: NET’s Sharon Conheady: no word yet - CGR met with everybody - waiting for recommendations to go to City Council

A: NET’s Policeman Joe Hayes: there’s always need for the code inspectors, local officers, enforcement, etc

President Mike Visconte:

brought up a Community PAC-TAC Walk informational flyer that was distributed to another neighborhood group; to help entice participants, they offered refreshments and neighborhood dollars that could be spent at their local participating stores/businesses

A: NET’s Policeman Joe will look into getting a similar program to happen here in our Sector 3

- Larry Stid died; 66 years, former deputy mayor

- street redesign of Lyell: Vice Pres. Bob Van Sice will try to attend

Comment: NET’s Sharon Conheady - there has been flooding on those streets

- bids Glide/Lyell to Emerson; proposals are being taken now

- President Mike suggested "cut out" for parking at the park located at Glide and Emerson Streets

A: NET’s Sharon Conheady - good suggestion, the bidder called NET for Mike’s contact info/phone number

- Friday, November 18 at 10 Felix Street Water Works ground breaking ceremony at 2pm, followed by a reception with refreshments, parking at 25 Felix Street

- cookbooks are still available for sale!

Housing List - The Top 15 Properties Of Concern:

- 5 taken off, and 5 put on

- some locations were referred to the police; NET Officer Dave Minik will follow up with us

NET’s Sharon Conheady:

- building at Emerson and Santee St with safety issues, crumbling bricks

- talked, ticketed, finally took owner to demolition hearing; findings will most likely be that owner will have 3 to 4 months to either fix or demolish

- next-door neighbor has been having a hard time retaining tenants due to the safety concerns with the structural damage on the corner building

- Inspector Mary fined the owner every 60 days for 2 to 3 years

Certificate Of Use (CofU) for businesses - some business owners picketed city hall

- $100 fee to get the CofU initially, only $10 per year to renew; may cost $300 for a conditional certificate if the store has problem activity

- strict distinction is made between the owner and the manager

- NET met with stores regarding nuisance points; many received for staying open after listed hours, such as the business at Emerson and Curlew Streets

Q: curbs that were to be put in back in 1998, still haven’t been done

A: Sharon will look into this issue - also, call Dept. of Health if rodents are there in sewers/drains

- opened 245 new property code cases, closed 342, surveys - those were opened by inspectors when they were out looking at a different site; 76 refuse letters were sent out

Comment NET’s Policemen Joe - crime prevention: "knock and talk", cars were towed, noise control; can’t make it easy for the bad guys!

Q: categories are odd

Answer: NET’s Sharon Conheady - sometimes the term that the caller uses is what the complaint is logged as

Q: 50' noise ordinance - where does it begin?

A: NET’s Policeman Joe - 50' past the property line during the day, not past the property line from 10pm-6am

Comment: with homes close together, should have more consideration for others’ comfort level

- reference to back page of the NET’s statistics pages: enforcement cases in Sector 3 - 423

Q: what is a nuisance letter?

A: nuisance points letter sent to owner to inform them of the warrant against the tenants because of infringement; owner must take serious steps to shut down the location so drug people don’t come back looking for sellers at their property

President Mike Visconte:

met with newly elected mayor Bob Duffy

- we need vacant properties sold or repaired; something must be done!

- asked for money for grants like the ones given to Champion and Michigan Streets

Comment: problem property fixed gutter so there isn’t any water running onto the neighbor’s property

Comment: Karnes St vacant home has a broken gutter and therefore direct water that turns to ice onto neighbor’s driveway

Cameron Community Ministries - Kathy Pierce, Executive Director:

- been active for 21 years, offer well attended kids programs

- very busy general lunch program Monday through Saturday

Rob Blair (new youth director) - school #30 kids after school Monday through Thursday and free Kids Café supper program for everyone under 18 years old

- clothing sold for a modest fee, donations are accepted, volunteers are always needed

- interested in hearing from the LONA community

- Cameron Community Ministries is not a food pantry

- they distribute lots of hats, gloves, and mittens

Comment: kids activities - would they be interested in helping to shovel snow/rake leaves to help older folks?

A: Rob - some groups of sixth graders might be interested, many of their kids are too young

Q: could they cut grass? A: kids need jobs, money, opportunities, so everybody could benefit

Mike: if the kids help the area, maybe LONA could throw them a pizza party/something else nice

City Councilman Bob Stevenson:

- there are currently three proposals regarding making Rochester city homes lead safe

- could cost all property owners anywhere from half a million to 29 million

- affects any house built before 1960, basically that’s every house in the city

- vacant properties could balloon because the average would cost $7500 per unit to fix to make lead-safe

environmental impact:

1. Inspection, 2. Who does, and who pays for it?, 3. Who pays for clean up?, 4. Who pays for re-inspection?

- What triggers an inspection? A complaint by the tenant, C of O, etc?

- no answer yet; will be voted on by December 20th; any thing not passed dies because it does not transfer to the new city council

Comment: if you have three or four units, it could cost $30K to $40K!

Q: What is the inspector’s fee - if a homeowner wants to make sure that their own home is lead safe for their children or grandchildren.

A: $35-$50 (not sure of the number part right now) for the C of O, which is only for rental property

Get The Lead Out program through Action for a Better Community, contact Karen Herman

federalgrants, HUD, county doesn’t even try for the funds - many hoops to jump through to receive funds, not very flexible

- Who pays? Where does the money come from?

- Draft Environmental Impact Statement: effects could be in: Edgerton - 21% vacancy, LONA area - once past Glide Street the numbers went way down,

- lead safe work practices: county will pay for the training with a grant

County Health Dept. - Environmental of Health - Community development, they know answers/guidelines

- there will be a change of many positions with the new mayor and new council

Court Watch - 4 judges are good to work with, but they are still limited

- report/call-in the prostitutes back to the judges!

Neighbor Concerns:

- drug sales on Michigan and Curlew Streets

- prostitutes on Rockview and Isabelle Streets

- suspicious activities on Cameron and Rockview Streets

Bob Stevenson update: - Mr. Finger went in front of a grand jury on October 24th because of his electrical interference with neighbors electronics - more information to come

Bring a dessert to our next meeting on December 12th - and bring a neighbor or two!

Meeting adjourned 8:36pm

Thursday, November 17, 2005

LONA Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2005

LONA Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2005  

Mike called the meeting to order at 7:06pm:

Announcements: Asked for updates of members addresses, volunteer for street captains, distributed copies of the burglary/robbery report, new sex offenders in our area, housing report

LONA Officer Elections: all were re-elected
Mike Visconte - President, Bob Van Sice - Vice President, Mary Ann Batz - Treasurer, Pam Davis - Secretary, Franklin Louk - LONA Security: 298-3258

Mary Ann B. (Treas.) - Cookbooks and Dues
- Our current balance - $35.90; Funds pay for meeting site permit, photocopies, mailings, etc
- owed over $500 in printing costs, which Mike paid out of his pocket, up front
-.still need to sell $146.39 to break even; any others sold will be profit for LONA organization
- Only 16 member families have paid for this year: remember, it is only $5 per family to be a member of LONA, so when votes are needed, only paid members may vote.

- Plea for street captains! Please sign up! We need your help!  

Pres. Mike: Property Code Violations: - the Top 15 that are really bad
Mike showed the completed list of all of the properties that LONA has helped bring into code with the help of our neighborhood NET office
- we add new properties each month at meetings held at the NET office; all are welcome to attend
Q: If house is sold, does the new owner pay the old fines?
A: NET Chuck - Yes if the house is bought from a person/realtor, No, if the house is bought from the city
A: Policeman Joe - same with nuisances  

NET Chuck, Assistant NET Administrator - update from last meeting: 480 Emerson /Santee corner
- owner is misleading NET regarding the work schedule, has met with police, NET, engineers, etc
- property must be fixed or demolished! Engineers will inspect the falling bricks (facade)
re: the Otis St. Pallet Co. -  George Whitaker of CSX (the slowest group to work with)
- debris was on the train tracks
- truck on Wolf St side; owner held for employee to buy it, but was damaged during the waiting time
re: gutter issues were taken care of at 60 Curlew St.
- CGR: met with the public re: NET program - next meeting on Oct 20th at Maplewood Library
- NET calls for service: HG&W, unlicensed vehicles, etc - 423 cases in enforcement in Sept. 2005
Q: re: CGR - has this study been done before? Does the city pay CGR?
A: NET Chuck - No, this was requested by the city council. Does pay for the evaluation
Q: What happens with the results?  
A: There may be changes made within the NET program
NET enforces minimal standards, there are many aspects/components to NET
- new mayor and council will decide the future of NET
Q: LONA has worked with CSX for years; lots of promises but no action, they forget that you exist
A: NET Chuck - the CSX contact is all over the nation, NET has no control over CSX; agreed that it looks like a dump   VP Bob Van Sice: - explained how easy it is to attend the CGR comment/critique meetings; they are a good way to get our messages across to CGR re: our feelings about NET
NET Chuck - Don't think the city is paying for a good evaluation - CGR is talking to many people for unbiased review
Q: Who pays to clean tracks?
A: CSX is responsible per meeting with Ed Dougherty
CGR is looking at all aspects of city NET program and code enforcement, budgets, etc  

Mayoral candidate Chris Maj addresses our group:
- Red White and Blue Party; everyone should run for office, should look for solutions outside the current system
- re: NET - we need code enforcement, maybe focus on noise ordinances
- drug houses; likened to prohibition; current violence: much is due to drug activity
- he wants to make real changes, hire more teachers, put prostitutes are intertwined with drugs -  into treatment
- clean up after Kodak, cited Buffalo and Erie County, job loss and affect on our county
- used to have 24 people on city council, we need more representation - not less
- look to other parties, see Row H
Q: How to end violence?
A: Focus on treatment; prison does not rehabilitate - when they get out, there are "turf wars"
Q: Re: drug treatment - how many make it?
A: drug court - some take it just to stay out of jail  -  $1 spent in treatment saves $7 in criminal justice costs
- AIDSand other diseases have been reduced
- 2.2 mil in prison, many for drugs; currently more problems the way we handle the problem, make better choices  

Harry Davis running for City Council on the Red White and Blue Party:
He is a substitute teacher at East High School
2 kids in class not registered in the class - he was assaulted by student, saw transferring on money for drug deal in class
911 calls for OD (over dose) without fear of arrest
- Renaissance Square, waste of money - bus station not well planned  

Karen Reixach - Rochester Safe Start: - to help kids exposed to violence
- works with daycare, police, child welfare
- more issues in community; 7 kids are dead
- real harm is done everyday at home re: domestic violence   
look at the figures: street crimes in the 1000's, more calls for domestic violence - but they don't make the papers
- it's very hard on the kids
- how the community can respond to both; met with JOSANA re: issues, met with Edgerton group last week
- now LONA, maybe will come back again when there is more time to brainstorm ideas
- focus on kids 0 to 6 years old, get a good start, will have positive connections with people
- not just at the recreation center, JOSANA knows the kids on the corners
Q: talk to kids at school
A: Comment - kids don't want you to know, frightened - focus on you
Q: walk 6pm-10pm without adult supervision; so what is going on
A: Karen Reixach is the project coordinator
Comment - little ones learn from the older kids
Q: How does a neighbor get help to a 3 year old?
Comment: check with the hookers - kids are left home alone, no food, no care
A: small planning effort with Lyell Business Association to reduce the level of prostitution

Steve Miller running for City Court Judge:
- SR District Attorney; prosecute violent crime, assaults, robberies
- Samuel McCree Way - Corn Hill - wife Tracey
- former History teacher at Wilson High School, tutors at #29 elementary school
1. do justice in the courtroom
2. be role model for youth; some schools, neighborhoods they don't see mentors everyday
- very aware of issues of concern especially regarding children
Q: What are your views on rehabilitation?
A: Drug court is vital - suffering from addiction
- noviolent felony; plead guilty, stay clean for 1 year, have a job, screen test
if using, must start the year time period all over again - bench warrant, track them down
Q: Re: sex offenders
A: SORAS - the legislature has control over passing laws - Level 1, 2, and 3 (the worst) classification and how information is given out
SORAS hearing - prosecution presents to the court different points, how is their behavior in and after prison, what happened - was force used, age of victim? Call him: 820-1987
Q: to Harry Davis re: sex offenders - not good to have near children
Q: to Chris Maj - the same
A: Chris Maj - wants to lock up scumbags, the violent criminals
Pres. Mike - 2 more sex offenders are in the Lyell-Otis area - will be put on our website
NET has list in the big book of level 3 sex offenders - anyone is welcome to look at it   Burglary/Robbery Report: more info and details given upon request
Q: D&C's Our Towns Rob/Burg has more information
A: we try to keep printing costs down - and membership dues down in the process, can't include all the information
- we will alert neighbors when a pattern of crime is happening on their street via a phone alert  

City Councilman Bob Stevenson:
re: Mr. Finger - ADA prosecutes on Oct.24th; plea to 1½  to 3 years, or grand jury
City Council - State charters re: zoning code and land use
re: rental property - Cert. Of Occupancy: renewable every 5 years; added single family homes
- mop frequently, no paint chips; especially during the crawling stage, 6 - 18 months
- Council member Tim Mains; asks for lead-safe on a five year cycle
- another group targets oldest homes around #17 school
- landlords suggest that we inspect all homes with kids under 6 years of age
NYS requires a Type 1 action - draft environmental impact act
- to what extent do you clean up - who guarantees? Lead wipe test? Who is liable to be sued?
May cost over $20 million, since 90% were built in Rochester before 1978 - the last year lead was put in paint
- Fed and State regulations, sanitary code
- who pays? Owners? Part of tax structure? Federal grant?
- water works building - dirt moved to Trian park near x-way
- what environmental impact; will people abandon more houses in Rochester?  

Pres. Mike: LONA needs street captains
Q: what are the duties?
A: represent neighbors, assistarea leaders, ie. when street lights are out, abide by LONA bylaws  

VP Bob: Citizens Assembly on Oct. 24th
- 6pm at Edgerton Rec. Center
- arranged by Sector 3
- nominate a LONA person for recognition
- five area homes suggested for awards - Properties of Distinction
meeting adjourned at 8:38pm


Hi, everyone!
Just a quick note of thanks to mayoral candidate Mr. Chris Maj, city council candidate Mr. Harry Davis and city court judge candidate Mr. Steve Miller for joining us at our second neighborhood meeting of the season on October 17th.

We appreciate them taking time from their very busy schedules to join us.

Pam :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

LONA Meeting Minutes Of September 12, 2005

LONA Meeting Minutes Of September 12, 2005

Meeting began at 7:11pm

LONA President Mike Visconte opened the meeting and covered:

- What officers have been doing over the summer: visual observations of the neighborhood houses and reporting those that needed structural and aesthetic attention, met with other area neighborhood groups to discuss area violence that has suddenly grown, and other related tasks

- Most agencies are out of community funds for community block grants and the like

- Many negligent absentee landlords are bringing our neighborhood's image and property values down

- Election of LONA officers at next meeting: nomination cut off date is 21 days before next meeting

- Street captains are needed for each street in our neighborhood: duties would be to report any pot holes, trees that need pruning to stay clear of power lines and the like, and to alert us to the presence of drug houses or other suspicious activities. We then report these items to the Lyell NET Office for further action to be taken

Burglary/Robbery Report

- Streets with lots of recent incidents: Villa, Michigan, Curtis, Emerson, Plover, Avery, Rutter, Burrough, Canton

- sign up for Neighborhood Call List to be on watch /on guard

- the business "Family Dollar" on Lyell Avenue was robbed five (5) times in the last month

- house numbers are available upon request

Review of June's LONA Minutes - 3 page report

- re: sex offenders - Missing and Exploited Children spoke and offered tips on safety precautions

- it was explained what police can and cannot do under the law, probation and time limits were discussed, and concerns were raised that some offenders are placed to live next to schools and daycare centers

- City Councilman Bob Stevenson reported on the successful prostitution details

- County Legislator Carla Palumbo reported on the meth labs were being investigated

Water Works (on the corner ofDewey Avenue and Felix Street) is building a brand new communications center

- moving over the hill, no trucks were allowed in or out

- windmill was to be put up to make the "green building", but it would have been too tall

- Neighborhood Group information sheet

LONA Vice President Bob Van Sice re: SUNOCO gas station

- Sunoco station (the corner of Sunset Street and Lyell Avenue) to be revamped and expanded by adding another pump

- there was another meeting held on the same night as our LONA meeting at 6:30pm

- Sunoco requested to be open 24hours; LONA objects to the store being open 24hours, we'd prefer the store to close from 11pm to 6am, due to the undesirable elements hanging around who leave debris, trash, bottles and even used condoms

- 45% of "johns" returned to burglarize homes in our neighborhood

- we would like to request that the Sunoco store to be secured and only sell gas between the hours of 11pm - 6am

- local area neighbors agreed to LONA sending a letter expressing these views

Mike Visconte - LONA needs to know about these concerns to be able to act on these issues

Bob Van Sice - LONA has no objection to a new building, but not for the old trolley system to be destroyed - perhaps a low cost lease could be an option

Q: Why are they expanding the gas station when there is a Sunoco at the corner of Lyell Avenue and Lee Road? Why demolish the building? Less cost to keep original?

A: each one is a privately owned location. Also, that Lee Road location is not in the Lyell-Otis neighborhood, as we end at the canal.

County Legislator Carla Palumbo - phone or email her any concerns

- Tuesday Sept 13th County Leg Meeting as well as the Democratic Primary

- loan on tobacco loan so there won't be a huge deficit at the county level of government

- look at the numbers, they are fiscally sound

Bob Van Sice - Mary Bailey is on the ballot

Special Violent Crime Report by Officer Vaughn

- there have been several shootings in our and surrounding areas recently

- Aug 25th at 10:30pm @ 62 Villa Street - no arrest yet, but good leads

- Aug 26th at 11:20pm @ 33 Sterling Street - a man died after being shot over a fight, arrest was made of Michael Seeler born 1984, 21 years old, indicted by the grand jury

- @ Pierpont Street - arrest was made

- Aug 28th a 2yr old was shot in the face while waiting at the bus stop on Dewey Avenue by a drive by shooter - there are many leads

"We have had it" Law and Order detail - high warrant/guns/drugs; working with many officers - a full force, getting guns off the streets

Comment: Sunday before the child was shot, there was a gang of kids with guns on Villa Street - trouble makers have moved in recently

Also on Rodgers and Wolf Streets near Sherman Street - there was a gang of men with cars and gunshots were heard on Warner Street

- special attention is being paid to the house; the landlord is getting them out - those tenants cannot disturb the quality of life in the neighborhood; they left their last residence for the same reasons

- if no response from 911 or 311, ask to speak to a supervisor

- some relatives of these trouble makers live in the pallet company around the corner

- the landlord will be gathering information on the tenants from the residents of the immediate area

- 38 Sunset Street - JT Simmons; pimp with his employees - drugs there and at Sunoco gas station's sidewalk; they pick up stash after contacting buyer

- 168 Rockview Street - antennas; 14 cars, people, selling - vice squad is aware of activity; call police with plate numbers and descriptions. There had been a drug house on Glide St - pictures helped close down two (2) houses!

Q: representative from Cameron Community Ministries noted that there had been a raid on a house and there were many people with guns on the street - they hadn't been notified and CCM was concerned about the neighborhood children's safety

A: call 911 and ask to speak to a supervisor

Mike Visconte:

- LONA officers met with Commander Corridi; we want a phone tree available as well as a neighborhood watch and to extend the operating hours of PAC-TAC - there needs to be more training opportunities

- also, LONA would like more police check points to target drunk driving and seat belt compliance, which can also lead to drug arrests and unlicenced vehicles as well as non licensed or uninsured drivers

- LONA also is requesting a safety gun lock dispersion

- our Westside officers are down by 20; ACT Program; PAC-TAC is available during the day as well

NET - reported by Chuck Stechna, Assistant NET Administrator

- he worked 34 years with Rochester Recreation Dept

Sharon Conheady wanted to relay information/stats:

- 85 code, 197 High Grass &Weeds, 368 service calls - higher than any other NET office,

- 399 cases in enforcement; ticketing begins - NOT where we want to be, we'd rather have compliance, we want to work with landlords, C of O's, inside and outside

- raises red flags: landlords might give up on houses, foreclosures, to demolition, what will happen with these properties - they may be boarded

- owner occupied; we extend work schedules

Q: LONA Treasurer Mary Ann Batz - Why do I have to live next to a slum?

A: Chuck - change happens right here through LONA and the NET and the landlords/owners working together

Q: What are the stats on owner occupied vs rental properties in our neighborhood?

- Laws need to be stricter, as they used to be - and tenants have right too

1500 calls & walk-ins - Q: what has been resolved?

A: LONA Vice President Bob Van Sice - Our NET office is understaffed

Q: Letter of "working on it" was received, but not when the problem was resolved

Q: How many times do we need to make complaints until action is taken

Q: cars parked on Michigan Street, many unlicenced without permits

Q: Apartment on Santee & Emerson Streets -Four (4) years with bricks falling, but no ticketing

A: NET's Chuck - it is presently in enforcement

A Moment of Silence was held in memory of Phyllis Biatta - she was a LONA member for many years

NCS - Northwest Community Services / Community Development Corp's Cheri

- new office building located at 275 Driving Park; they help rehab and resell houses

- fundraiser: personalized bricks are $50 each for the walkway, no special designs are available, 15 characters per line, order forms are available

- $10K was received from Sector 3

back to NET's Chuck Stechna

Q: Bob Stevenson was very helpful working with CSX to clear debris - American Pallet has debris on Wolf Street

- tires are dumped at CSX railroad crossing on Otis Street

- pictures, EPA should be notified of the burning pallets

37 Wolf Street - the relatives are living at American Pallet Co

- trailers, trucks with different plate numbers are parked at vacant house

- people are paid under the table

- a person's hand was injured at 301 Otis Street

A: NET's Chuck Stechna - NET is working with George Whitecare of CSX; call Chuck at 428-7676

City Councilman and Mayoral Candidate Tim O. Mains

- Every Neighborhood Is Important! Many challenges the city faces- we are at a turning point

- we need more than * looks good * means good * big picture type of mayor

- we need a hands-on person like Mayor Ryan was; Mains is ready to drive the agenda

- Mains is acquainted with local government, schools, finances - doesn't want to take over schools, will support schools; example: #50 school in the 14621 neighborhood - 90% passed math test, but support is needed

* Rochester's Children's Institute - break the cycle of poverty

most direct way is to reduce number of poverty and concentration

* Make an investment inthe city - Lyell-Otis and Edgerton - the promise is great!

* Pioneer Tax Plan - city auction of homes and commercial property

- plan to double value, ½ the taxes

for example: the Flat Iron Cafe - bought the building for $15K, put in $30K in improvements, $50K in sweat equity, the property is now worth $120K

- current tax rate is approximately $44/per $1000, $21/per $1000 under Main's tax plan

- money saved can pay for improvements

- space out the tax "bite" over five (5) years

- $5K can potentially grow to be in the $50K -$80K range; give tax breaks to encourage investment

- Local newspapers: The Democrat and Chronicle and City Newspaper both like his ideas as they are bold and independent

- Mains is on the "Working Families" party line on the ballot

- more info on breaking the cycle of poverty; Rochester is as strong as its weakest neighborhood

- 20 years of experience as an educator and a city council member; Mains has energy, is available and responsive - he will not quit! The city of Rochester can improve with an activist, active mayor

Q: the Children's Initiative: birth to kindergarten - What agencies will be involved? How to monitor and join?

- overworked caseworkers; saturated like a sponge - the Peter principle - duplication of effort

A: Tim Mains - over 100 organizations - don't talk to each other, promoted only by themselves

- this program is modeled from one in place in Vermont, and other cities

- identify families; sign in window for each live birth

- child care worker involved - even during prenatal period

at city hall - build a database - catalogued into: who, what, etc; match people to services; connect with food cupboard

- strung out on drugs and need treatment

The United Way and Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks back his plan

- United Way will manage the common intake form

- Where are overlaps in services? Gaps? Make more services evenly available - neighborhood visits

- 1 day per week at recreation center, kids are evaluated while moms connect/network

- child healthcare specialists share and build connections

City Councilman Bob Stevenson

- busy summer re: hookers; 180 arrests of 125 different women

- Sept 7th: 20 women go before Judge Tom Morse

- $2500 cash or $5000 bond; came in late, so judge doubled the bail

- 30 more in jail or enhanced diversion; come back after 90 days

- drug evaluation or not; if not, bench arrest and jail for 90 days

- 16 court watchers - 24 different women on 24 different days - $5 per car to park each time

Sunset/Glide/Rockview/Avery Streets in Lyell-Otis

Mr. Matthew Finger's electronic devices

- FCC - blames the neighbors for buying "cheap"gear

- found very large amount of marijuana

Comment: Did he give up a name? Now this guy thinks he's immune to the law!

- interrupts cord-free telephones, cellular phones, baby monitors, televisions, etc

- need license plate numbers

W.A.V.E. meeting of NET, SIS, westside leaders: every other Wednesday

PAC-TAC hours

- woman videotaped "johns"cars

- van along with an 11pm - 2am patrol scared the "johns" away! 6 to 8 people are needed for this to work

- McNaughton/Waldo/Rockview areas

- off hours requires police access

PSA 45 to back up PAC-TAC

Q: Where to sign up for PAC-TAC?

A: Call Officer Joe Hayes at 428-7628

Jim Thurston is the Lyell-Otis's western area Block Captain

LONA President Mike Visconte - call us with tips! LONA organization will take the heat off from neighbors

Meeting adjourned at 8:38pm

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A Quick Update

Hi, everyone!

Just a quick note of thanks to mayoral candidate Mr. Tim Mains for joining us last night at our first neighbohood meeting of the season. We truly appreciate him taking time from his very busy schedule to join us the evening before the democratic primary.

Also, a reminder, if it applies to you today - get out and vote in the primary election! Otherwise, plan on voting in November!

Also, an FYI to all - I returned home from our meeting to discover that my car's license plates had been stolen off of my car, which I had parked (safely) in my own driveway. So, I will be taking a trip to the DMV to get new plates today. Ugh!

Keeping my eyes and ears open,

Pam :)

Monday, August 1, 2005

Monday, August 1st, 2005 - Great "Night Out" for Sector 3

Wow! What a wonderful event!

I just participated in the Sector 3's Night Before "National Night Out" to help put criminals on notice that we are taking back our neighborhoods!

The motorcade was a lot of fun, and the catered community dinner afterward was a nice touch! It was a wonderful way to network with others in Sector 3, and make new friends in the process!

Please consider joining your local neighborhood associations! Your input is very valuable! We need to make OUR presence known to the "bad seeds" on a regular basis to force "them" out!

Sincerely Yours, 

Pam :)

Friday, July 29, 2005

For Immediate Release: Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Assoc. Meeting to be held December 12, 2005

The Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association will be holding its next public meeting on Monday, December 12, 2005. All are welcome.  

The group will meet from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the Edgerton Recreation Center located at 41 Backus Street. Parking is available in two adjacent lots. Unfortunately, there is no child care area available at this venue.   

The purpose of the meeting is to allow residents the opportunity to discuss neighborhood crime, quality of life issues, nuisances, as well as receive updates from neighborhood elected representatives - such as Carla Palumbo and Bob Stevenson, and to receive local information and to brainstorm for ideas that will lead to a better future in the Lyell-Otis neighborhood.  

This is our holiday meeting, and we are encouraging all Lyell-Otis neighborhood residents to join us in the celebration! Refreshments will be available. Also, our new neighborhood cookbook will be available for sale, and makes a wonderful holiday gift!

For more information or clarification, please email Pamela R. Davis, Secretary, Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association at or call Bob Van Sice, Vice-President, Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association at (585) 458-3784.

Friday, July 1, 2005

LONA Meeting Minutes of June 13, 2005

LONA Meeting Minutes of June 13, 2005

Meeting Began: 7:12pm

Welcome and Announcements

Special Topic of the evening: Sex Offenders In Our Area - Mike introduces all: Jean VanIngen (Parole Supervisor), Deborah Jones Bassegio (Senior Parole Officer), Pam Weaver (National Center For Missing And Exploited Children, NY), and Officer Robert Jobe (Central Investigations Division).

Officer Robert Jobe (Central Investigations Division)

Monitors 600+ sex offenders in the city of Rochester

Police officer – tracks where they live/work/drive

Brief Overview of Sex Offender Act

-Megan abducted and killed in New Jersey 1994

-Each state creates their own registry

-1997 New York State Sex Offender Registration Act

probation or parole – must register

convicted, released, on registry – given level – score of 3 is the highest risk

given guidelines - in-accurate assessment, at times

-must register first time, yearly they must verify where they live by receiving & answering a request via US post

Law sends out list – not spelled out anywhere how or where to disperse

Level 1 – all information is for police only

Level 2 – more specific information given out: picture, zip code, what their offence was

Level 3 – exact address information is given out, as well as the Level 2 information

Police are not mandated to give out information – tries to get information to entity with a vulnerable population

Police are not the sole entity to be responsible for information dispersal

Volunteer to get the information out - there are more than 1400 day-care centers in Rochester

Level 3’s – every 90 days they must verify their address; 10 days to notify office of change of address; 1/5 have been arrested for not verifying their address --- Results in an A misdemeanor - low crime

2nd offence – judges are strict; results in a D felony – jail time is possible

Police have NO control of where convicted sex offenders can live

Others are watching offenders – probation and parole officers

Q: Carla Palumbo asked – search by zip code; is it up-to-date?

Level 3’s – some are covered by court order before hearing

Only Level 3’s NOT covered by injunction are searchable

Educate yourself – talk to kids/family/neighbors


Deborah Jones Bassegio (Senior Parole Officer) from Probation Department

2 components

1. When convicted of offense – investigation into background; education, work, family, victim

2. Disclosure to landlord, employer, school - probation officer verifies disclosure

conditions include: no loitering near parks, play grounds, malls, fairs, carnivals

how often they come in to office – 2 to 5 times per week

-home confinement – Global Positioning for Level 3’s – if judges are willing to order itsearches: officers check offenders homes to make sure they are not near kids; no porn or Internet connection

-assigned to an officer – up to 35 conditions must be met

-charged fees $30 per month to be on probation, register on SORAS, victim awarded money - hard to collect

-rehabilitation & public safety

-treatment is lengthy – 2 to 3 years, drug treatment, anger management

Q: background check – would it matter in their punishment; leads to plea bargain

Tools as to their supervision

Q: Level 1,2,3 – number of times or what factors

The offense, violence, ages of victims

Pam Weaver – not statistically validated


Sheila from Parole

Probation sentence given after parolee has served sentence

Corrections law – 1 day ‘good time’ for time served

Post-release supervision – special conditions - ages, etc

What was their crime – no judges’ approval

SARA Law – 1000’ away from school/facility for children, where the offender can, or cannot be

Monitor, curfew,travel restrictions

Parole supervision, curfew checks, breathalysers, screening

Q: Mike V. (Pres.) – 2 houses on Glide Street; Fran – Halloween time – no control re: children

@ 1000 offenders in the suburbs – most not under supervision

Pam Weaver – specific amount of time, then done


Officer Jobe – How To Protect Ourselves

Most states – A-misdemeanor – not a felony like in other states


Bob Russo – (National Center For Missing And Exploited Children, NY)

4 years, he has been working at the national center, previously spent 25 years working in the sheriff’s department

1981 – Adam Walsh - FL abducted/murdered, no laws in place at the time – no national entry

Katy Lou Borna – Auburn, started Adam Walsh Center National Center

5 branches, main in Alexandria VI, FL, Kansas City

Rochester – largest in all five locations – 275 Lake Avenue

Services offered: education, child events, free of charge

1200 cases reported in Monroe County – includes runaways, stranger abduction – last was Kali Paulton

1800 city of Rochester (first 9 months of the year)

-time is of the essence – 3 hours – 74% are killed – call 911 then call 1-800-THE-LOST

-5 minutes to intake – assign case manager – family, police, posters

-distribute posters via computer across nation

-400+ organizations participate, media – TV/radio

-Amber Alert program – NYS Police

Fine tune poster preparation – believe where child is going

Every transportation – bus, thruway, toll booths, etc.

-24 hour hotline – tip to contact authorities and follow up on tips/information

-all materials are free of charge – give to local scout troops, training facility – AV, etc.

10-12 classes per year – week long – across states, even Alaska

Canadian Mounties – pay to attend sessions

1st response – sex abuse

child advocacy center CAC - if child makes disclosure to teachermeet with child and school councilor, then hospital, then to zone substation, child repeats story 5 or more times – tramatizing for the child

CAC – ons stop for kids

Representatives from child protective services

DA office representative, police representative, medical team/lab

Victim’s assistance for child and family

Case is ready for jury

1st in Monroe County (Genesee County is 2nd)

sister agency – stop by for tour


Tips On Safety – common sense

"stranger danger" 80% NOT stranger – in position of trust

typical victim – 11 years old, within 400 yards of home, seeking independence

teach – tell others where going, plans

go with friend, know activities

encourage kids to talk to you

trust their feelings - okay to say "No" – encourage them to come to you


Come to the center – kid ID fingerprint


Officer Jobe

Encourage association and center to work together


LONA Regular Business:

Bob Stevenson - City Councilman

Prostitution Detail - 13 cars were towed – men were cuffed – 9 made bail

8 people on court watch to monitor the "johns"– 4 men from city, 9 men not from city, one reappears with lawyer

June16th - 3 reappear June 28th - pretrial conference

Lyell Avenue Business Association requested "johns" to do their community service - 8 hours 2 weekends Saturday and Sunday --- Work detail in Lyell neighborhood

1810 Lyell Ave - many were caught around here

budget vote on $1Billion – Leg. Asst. 5982 or 7538

Carla Palumbo - Monroe County Legislator

H: 647-4072

-meth labs – public safety meeting was great

-working on committee to address issue

Meeting Adjourned 8:34pm

Our next meeting will be held on September 12th, 2005.

Have a wonderful summer!

Sunday, June 5, 2005

LONA Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2005

Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes of May 9, 2005

Meeting Began at 7:10 P.M.

WELCOME& Review Of Minutes:

Mike V. (Pres.)

- arrest list of area prostitutes

- housing/property-in-need-of-action "hot" list

- sex offenders in our area


any more recipes to be added in to the Northwest Rochester Cookbook must be turned in at the next LONA meeting on June 13th, 2005

Burglary/Robbery: part 1

pretty bad month for our area

- Three (3) on Sherman St.: walk-ups with a gun

- Three (3) on Emerson St.: in the same area on the same day - Paul’s Service Center, Avery Street, Glide Street

- Curlew St.: auto break-in

Housing Report:

- Showed a list of all the problem locations that have been taken care of and have been removed from our "hot" list -


- More locations are going to be added soon


- ## Otis St. - "K" letter sent to the owner - must give NET schedule of work to be completed or face large fines.

- ### Glide St. - some progress is being made; to be completed by August 2005.

- ### McNaughton St. - cars to be repaired are coming in on flatbed trucks; inspector did not see the activity on two spot checks, but there still is an open zoning case and a C of O case open on the property as well.

Question: Couldneighbors clean up the property? Apparently Chuck Hanes bought the property as of 04/27/05 - Environmental Services told the neighbor that the owner must clean it. Mary (NET inspector) was to get the door and broken window boarded up. Garage is NOT secure with the ladder there - the 2nd floor bedroom door opens to a porch that could be accessed using the ladder. Sharon (NET) said that as long as the door was secure, the window needn’t be boarded. This property has been in foreclosure. Grande guy owns this property - someone (past tenant?) still has access via a key. Also, someone has been driving by trying to intimidate neighbors not to "make waves" - too bad for those bad guys!

- Glide St. corner building - orange paint looks bad / in poor taste for the area.

- ### Glide St. and ## Cameron St. - trash totes are out all week long, well after trash has been collected.

Burglary/Robbery: part 2 - Police Officer Elena Vaughn:

PAC-TAC Saturation Walk - second one this spring on Tues May 10th, 2005

- no training required, meet at 6pm at NET, leave at 6:30pm --- Bring water to drink!!

- About a dozen people showed up at last month’s walk on April 12th - using community van as well.

- PCIC meeting at Westside H.Q. reported the following: violent crime is down 7.1%, p+1 down 12.9%, increase in robberies - drug related, arsons do not seem to have a pattern at this time.

- Good Bust!! A tip regarding suspicious activity led police to 24 Myrtle Hill Park - no arrests to that time, but ... Removed from the premises and taken off the street were: four (4) guns, one (1) pound of marijuana, two (2) golf ball sized amount of cocaine. Order to vacate was issued.



- 148 Cameron St. - Removed three (3) pounds of marijuana, drug records, and an order to search cars was issued

- Drug arrest was madeat 684 Emerson St. and a gun was removed from the premises as well.

- 348 Murray St. - arrested drug buyer who was robbed from his bike and stabbed as well!

- Michigan St. (near ###)- loud music and car racing (low profile wheels), mini-bikes/mopeds - kids could get hurt

- Bergen & McNaughton Sts. - bikes must be registered to be driven on the street, driver must be 16 years of age. Mini bikes ridden on their own property is fine.

- Speed detector unit - a member volunteered his yard to help alleviate the problem.

Traffic enforcement will be on the lookout!

Bob Stevenson (City Council): Mike Cracoski (sp?) has the speed gun - to be re-calibrated in Albany

- IMPACT is back - two (2) week rotation, overtime details will be ON

- call in license plate numbers

- heard on Bergen St. and ## Isabelle St. - car in driveway Sat. & Sun.

- music from house - officer wasn’t available, go to NET to sign deposition

- Acceptable Noise Levels: 50' from house before 10pm, or at property line after 10pm

- any suspicious activity at A+ at Lyell & Sunset - 1149 Lyell closed - working out front of doorway around 10:30pm/11:00pm - not getting gas - past employee was fired for drug sales in the store

- reports were written on the store - points are assessed to property

- ### Glide and house on Sunset

Sharon (NET) - a W. Main St. location had problems - owner voluntarily closed at midnight to help area - the owners could lose money, but they did so anyway

- Frank L. knows Sally (manager) of A+ at Lyell & Sunset - would speak to her to get her help

Contact Officer Vaughn 428-7344 with plate numbers, house numbers

- once a week, with 311, sends "soft letter form" to owners of vehicles or property

BobStevenson (City Council):

- meeting in April - not gone through all the prostitutes

- B-misdemeanors - plead down violation - one was working across from the NET office that same night

- spoke with DA Mike Green - the ADA had NOT been instructed to agree to plead down charges

- only two (2) people will be able to handle these cases from now on

- past Thursday -police rented four (4) vehicles

- out of twenty-two (22) people, forty (40) warrants were issued, sixty-three (63) warrants outstanding combined

- one (1) was on parole, one (1) violation of probation - for fifteen (15) bail was $1000, for one (1) it was $1500

- seven (7) received pretrial release - May 27th - on bench warrant - in-house division,

- STD tested and given a physical - in county lockup or in jail

- this Thursday May 12th - ten (10) pretrial, five (5) more on Friday - determine if guilty or not - sentence?

- Frank, his mom, and four (4) others on court watch - seven (7) fit into van (or pay more to park!)

- ages of local prostitutes run from twenty (20) - fifty-five (55)

Neighbor recently bought a home on Rockview Terrace - her daughter was asked if she was soliciting as she walked home from school - directed to go through Center for Dispute Settlement - Sharon (NET) requested that the daughter be present to get both sides - neighbor said the daughter provided proof of who she was at the time of inquiry

- four (4) prostitutes arrested on Lyell Ave. / N. Plymouth Ave. (929 & 780), 40 Lorimer St., 305 Glenwood Ave., Lexington Ave., 292 Driving Park, Otis St. - it depends were they make to offer of solicitation

Question: If the prostitute lives on Isabelle St, what do we do?

Answer: Call 311 toreport activity - describe prostitute, for example: age 21 Cassie Bouroughs - very young looking

- one of our members saw a prostitute get in a John’s car on Lyell Ave. and Mt. Read Blvd. - he followed the car onto Wetmore St. to Jay St. - they went to Gates Motel - so he called 911 - officer was called

- it costs $5,000-6,000 to do a single sweep

- new judge - will listen to reason, asks for twice the regular fine

1. Broad St. tunnel from Exchange Blvd. to Brown St.

- Brown St. portal to Allen St. - all the steel is rotting badly, past the point of restoration, the rest is concrete - has shirring problems, these might be able to be restored, ten (10) miles = approximately ten (10) streets

- is it necessary to "cut & cover" to spend $1 Million in material per year,

- the drainage is a problem, approx. 8/10ths of a mile long

2. Mayor plans to spend $$ on capital improvements

- what are plans? City government, budget C.I.P. = capitol improvement program

- city budget - yr1 yr2 -- yr5, 400+ pages long

- Mayor’s budget vote on June 14th, on computer to view by Thursday May 12th

- comparison is in plan already, carefully look at budget lines - that comes in from federal and etc.

- pick similar to similar, pick date to date, cannot forfeit funds cannot use in budget

Question: Broad St. tunnel - $ bestow & etc, why fill in area over tunnel?

Bob V.S. (V.Pres.): point out aqueduct

Bob Stevenson (City Council): federal funds comes, money doesn’t come to city directly

- Genesee Transportation Council POT goes to communities and different counties

- about $21Million - allocated for given purpose - fill, pack, concrete repair

Bob V.S. (V.Pres.): questioned quality of engineers used by the city

Bob Stevenson (City Council): NYS Dept. of Transportation - oneof 34th worst - bridgethat is rated at 2.5 (very bad)

Sharon (NET): already spent funds, also street scape as well

Bob Stevenson (City Council): pure waters, Frontier Field, no funds to relocate lines

Mike V. (Pres.): to the neighbor who just bought a home on Rockview Terrace - speak to Capt. Davis regarding her daughter being mistaken for prostitute - LONA would help her go through system

Frank Louk, Quality of Life Committee:

- finalizing how to communicate within sector to all of the associations

- goes to Sector 3 for avote

Give Marleen phone numbers for contact list

Question: Karnes St. - read letter re: sex offenders

- received six (6) pictures in Sector 3 of Level 3 Offenders (the worst kind) - they are living on Dewey Ave. near School #34, also on Curtis, Austin, and Curlew Streets, as well as 723 Glide St.

Houses Grant Funds:

N.C.S. - Cheri Adam 548 Lake Ave. 254-8090

- June 6th - Residential Assistance Program - 9am - 4pm - not 1st come 1st served, ranked on priority of need, emergencies and code violations, it is easier to come in person than to phone, program is for home owners

- can get up to $3500 - if received grant last year, then no ... eligible every four (4) years

- electrical, plumbing, storm doors, security lighting, not roofs, there are income limitations

- also ABC - has possible grant funds available for weatherization, hot water tanks, furnaces, windows, etc - contact Rodney Washington

Question: Does anyone know what occurred or came of the quality of life meeting held by Carla Palumbo?

Answer: Sharon (NET) - Information was gathered, nothing was sent out yet, and Bob Stevenson (City Council) spoke on prostitution - what role does the county play

Closing Remarks:

- any recipes to be added into the cookbook must be turned in at the next meeting on June 13th, so the book can go to print

- May 24th - meeting regarding vacant buildings, Linda M. Stango, AIA (?)

Meeting adjourned at 8:28pm

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Letter sent by LONA re: Sex Offenders In Our Area

April 15, 2005

Mike Green-District Attorney, Dr. Cedric Alexander-Police Chief

Dear Sirs,

We, the Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association, of the City of Rochester, wish to communicate the following points to you.

1. We understand that currently it is the City’s policy to allow convicted sex offenders on parole or on probation to live in neighborhoods with close proximity to schools, churches and day care centers where children regularly congregate.

2. We do not feel that this policy is in the best interest of our children, as we do not fully trust the individuals who have been convicted of sex crimes to be 100% without temptation, particularly when large groups of children are present and not easily accounted for by parents, teachers, clergy or other guardians.

3. We would like to see action taken by the City of Rochester limiting or more closely supervising the placement or relocation of these individuals into neighborhoods not closely located to children’s high-traffic areas in the interest of the safety of our children and the removal of the temptation for these individuals who are trying to re-enter society.

4. We are dismayed that we have been constantly referred to different persons or departments in the past when trying to obtain specific information relevant to this problem, and believe as City residents we deserved more direct answers and accountability and less dodging of the issue.


Respectfully Submitted,

Michael Visconte, President Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association

Monday, May 9, 2005

LONA Meeting Minutes of April 11, 2005

Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes of April 11th, 2005

Meeting Began at 7:09 P.M.


Welcome & Review Of Minutes: also online at

Housing Report:

4 four were removed from our list of 15, there is room for eight more - let Mike V. know

Other locations are still being fined

Suggestion: write letter to city regarding city owned homes on Austin St - are not helping neighborhood’s image


still fining and citing problem locations

Mary, the investigator, has a very good response time


about three garages broken into - tools taken Curlew Street and Lee Road areas

some are petty larceny or auto theft

no house numbers are given out on the list - only if you live on the street

Policeman Joe Hayes:

smaller clusters of burglaries this past month - many of garages/sheds - crooks look for unlocked ones

PAC-TAC Saturation Walk - first one of this spring on Tues 4/12/05

          - no training required, meet at 6pm at NET, leave at 6:30pm

using community van as a resource with community info to reach out to neighbors

hopefully will alleviate the prostitution problem

Bob Stevenson is still on court watch and can attest to the prostitution problem - most are addicted to drugs

a lot more "open air" solicitations, and not just after dark

Carla Palumbo, Monroe County Legislature:

referral to look at DSS was defeated in committee

was there any breakdown in system - i.e. since Mr. Lyons was found dead in his home, but not until months later

she has grave concerns if DSS can do their work with the extreme budget cuts, plus many complaints are logged

some small improvements have been made, but the "next time" incident could be prevented

internal investigation to see if the system in place can work

Carla’s Town Meeting: Quality Of Life Issues

Wednesday, April 27th 7-9 PM at Holy Apostles Church

come together across neighborhoods and brainstorm solutions with the public

open invitation for all

reach Carla at 647-4072 to RSVP

Comment: Section 3 Quality of Life Committee - Franklin Louk is the LONA rep; each neighborhood has a representative on that Sector 3 committee

Comment: Franklin Louk, as our representative, will be attending meeting with Cedric Alexander, acting police chief, and District Attorney Mark Green on Monday, April 18th in City Council Chambers - NOT a Council Meeting

LONA will write letter re: sex offenders in our neighborhood next to schools, churches, daycare centers, bus stops, etc.

Bob Stevenson, City Councilman:

Good news, bad news

Rochester will receive about $1/2 million from NYS Traffic Conference - "TRAKS"

crime report can be hard to read by the third carbon copy - TRAKS issues electronic tickets and such

will be placed in about 200 cars

$25,000 will be spent for overtime for "STEP"- Selective Traffic Enforcement Program

last year about 856 traffic citations were issued; 278 for speeding, 198 for violations like running lights and such, rest for variety like not turn signals, vehicle lights not working etc.

March 31st - prostitution sting landed 17 total = 16 ladies and 1 transsexual

10 of those 17 had to appear one week later

of those 10: 3 remanded to other courts, 7 "frequent fliers" arrested many times a year

Mike passed around list of prostitutes’ names - same name seen over and over again

court watch - happy with arraignment, as just about everyone received a $500 bail, so most weren’t going anywhere for at least 8 days

on 8th day - they had to reappear for a pre-trial conference - 7 plead down to violation, & got time served 8 days

that very night, one that had just been released was working Lyell avenue almost by the NET office

distraught by that occurrence, wrote letter

Bob read draft letter to District Attorney Mike Green to explain how prostitution destroys the NW Rochester area:

- the following is the general idea of the letter and not a word for word quote -

City home values plummet, small businesses close and move elsewhere, residents are clamoring for relief from women soliciting on their streets, cruising "johns", as these are not ideal conditions for raising a family.

Prostitution Sweeps are just a start. March 31st, police arrested 17 for prostitution, a B- misdemeanor which carried a penalty of up to 90 days in jail and a $250 fine

On April 7th, 10 reappeared for pre-trial conference. The result was a slap in the face to the Lyell and Plymouth Avenue neighborhoods. 7 arrestees were able to plead down - their sentence was time served, 8 days. The result was predictable. That very night one of these same women were on the streets again working their trade.

These are not the results that citizens want. The hard work of the police is not questioned. What is questioned is why the ADA agrees to a lesser charge. Neighborhoods suffer, as the appearance is that no one gives a "darn".

Citizens believe that if the officers of the court (example: the judges, district attorneys, etc.) had hookers working their streets and johns cruising for women, the results of the pre-trial would be very different.

Why should a prostitute choose drug court? What relief if there for city residents? Resources are tight and citizens are grateful for whatever arrests are made. The funds for the hooker details are not insignificant. Volunteer court watchers are willing to follow these unfortunate victims of drug addiction through the court system. All this effort is for naught with no modification of behavior.


This will be signed as coming from many Rochester citizens such as the court watchers, LONA, and etc.

behavior modification needed - some still working the streets even when they will be reporting to another judge

offered 90/90 jail or enhanced diversion

Guest Speakers:

M. Lee Eldridge, news director of WROC channel 8 - the local CBS station

his background - from Louisville, Kentucky - made a difference in Atlanta and Memphis - in Rochester for 5 ½ months

Crime tracker (not crime stopper) works on front end - i.e. before crimes occur

most people are not too worried about violent crimes/homicides

petty but costs us money gets on nerves - car stolen, bikes stolen, break-ins, theft

work with police identifying trends reporting

1. Put word out on trend that normally isn’t reported on - expanding coverage WROC will go talk to community

2. Gets more people involved to help

3. Criminals watch news - reporters must be careful what is reported so as not to interfere with police work

4. Keep reporting until that type of crime is reduced

Steve Levine, reporter known from WROC channel 8's "8 on your side" features

grew up on Lake Erie, has been here for about10 years

emphasis is on prevention of crimes

security locks on windows-found out by woman in Perinton - learned other safety tips in February coverage

Cathy Orr reported on break-ins in parking lots - homeless pretending to be employees

cars being stolen for joy riding; lots of Dodges and Chryslers; Hondas Toyotas, Nissans for parts

drug dealers passing stolen cars from person to person

handouts from Steve Levine-cards and magnets

M. Lee Eldridge added:

works closely with law enforcement

police get to know the same criminals, many have a severe drug addiction

build bridge with law enforcement; some used as informants

Comment: How fast of turnaround time on crime trend?

If WROC finds out about crime trends to work hand in hand with police to alert community immediately

Project Cease fire - gangs-just by association

Comment: Policeman Joe-cases reported on was great; helps to disperse information to more people in the community

Quality of Life Committee, Frank Louk:

enable citizens to disseminate information, find solutions, get "good" and "positive" items about our area in news

Comment: Why wasn’t Lyell-Otis a featured neighborhood in the city living sundays events, as this could help get the word out about our neighborhood association and could recruit new members? Bob Stevenson said that it was up to the realtors and The Home Store to get areas listed on the website and to get that information out.

Comment: LONA members went out for many years and personally tried to get more folks involved - but no one showed up at the meetings after saying they would attend.

Comment: restaurant that opened - attended early meetings, and then after it got what it wanted from LONA, never showed again.

Comment: hard to get new members because, unfortunately, many are afraid of retribution from "bad seeds" in the area

phone in to committeemembers, then Frank Louk will bring info to LONA

Mike V. spoke on the issue of duplication of C of O information

there is mis-communication with all neighborhood meeting groups, not enough back-and-forth

same thing happened with tonight’s presentation from WROC - other neighborhood groups should have been in attendance at the same time

Bob V.S. - PCIS dispersed info about tonight, but no people showed

Frank Louk - Section 3 looking for the best way to disseminate information

Cookbook - Mike V.:

150 recipes can be put in

4 pages of LONA history, Northwest Area late 1800's early 1900's, factories, different ethnicities

Dividers, Helpful Hints, Table of Contents - entrees, sides, beverages, desserts, etc.

@ $2.50 per book, sell for $6 - 70 to be sold to break even - great for Christmas gifts!

fill out recipe sheets, as name goes next to recipes in the book

get back to Fran next meeting May 9th

Sector 3 - Bob V.S.:

$60,000 in grant money coming from Sector 3 - meeting was held today (April 11th, 2005)

concrete pillars project was turned down

NCS, the group that made a presentation here months ago, gets $10,000 to change traffic flow on Driving Park

Susan B. granted $10,000 for 2 more statues in their park

$10,000 granted for a flower garden for the neighborhood group JOSANA - it will be located across from Rhinos Pae-Tec Park, which is across from an old gas station where the ground is so contaminated, the city doesn’t want to dig it up to clean the area due to costs. Also, there is a stipulation that this grant must have matching funds and JOSANA must maintain the garden, or money must be repaid to Sector 3

$30,000 granted to Edgerton Recreation Center for redoing the track

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:20pm

Thursday, April 7, 2005

LONA Meeting Minutes of March 14, 2005

Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association (LONA) Meeting Minutes of MARCH 14, 2005




Ž listed under C of U Fee Structure:


- the separate $10 RENEWAL application fee is waived for current license holders

Ž listed under Conditional Certificate Of Use for problem location:

- $300 application fee FOR CONDITIONAL LICENSE

Ž listed under City Council Report:

- re: Phone-A-Thon - govt.’ used to fund ALL THE COSTS, NOT JUST "PRINTING"

- typo spelling of COUNCIL (not "COUNSEL") in this context

- re: Fast Ferry - city of Rochester can bid $26.5Mil FOR OPENING BID, NOT "UP TO"

Thanks for the corrected information! - Pam :)



Community Center and Program Location Guide passed out - includes Edgerton Rec. Center



Mike V.(Pres.) read - problem locations ready for demolition or other work

- In 4 years time, there were 175 houses demolished in our area.

Before Certificate of Occupancy is given:

- fines must be paid

- corrective action taken

Once property is on the list for demolition, it will come off our "hot" list.

HOUSING - Sharon C. of the NET:

- $ 2.5 MILLION is spent PER YEAR for demolitions


BURGLARY/ROBBERY REPORT presented by Policeman Joe:

- re: home invasions - arrest has been made 

- no more home invasions since the person was caught


SEX OFFENDERS - no new ones in our area to add


- Two (2) raids on Murray Street - 382/384 and 447 which was boarded up afterward

- PCIC Meeting - discussed three (3) corners with drug dealing and loitering

- Warner / Murray / Sherman / Otis Streets

- takes time to eliminate the problem spots


- Van in use

- St. Patrick’s Day Parade - low involvement due to the ice and very cold temperatures


CITY COUNCIL REPORT - presented by Bob Stevenson

Concerns regarding the safety of children:

- walking to and from school

- photos of kids in the streets

- kids going by drug dealers


- Fulton Avenue - money has been spent

- federal funds - they give the guidelines

- amount will be cut each year

- there has been a loss of community funds


- "Hooker" detail every month

- "Johns" detail - more stops


- special follow up on drug arrests

- city court is overwhelmed

- most cases are pleaded down


Meeting Adjourned - 8:00 PM

One of the topics the be covered at the next meeting on April 11th:

Cookbook Fund-raiser

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

LONA Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2005

WELCOME - Happy Valentine’s Day


NCSA Fund-raiser

Kaufmann’s - April 12th : 6pm-10pm at Eastview Mall

25% off coupon, as well as about 6 to 7 vendors

$10 admission tickets - see Mike Visconte

aiming for Goal of $32K since budgets were cut

New Board Members - vote passed: Secretary - Pam Davis and Security - Franklin Louk


CERTIFICATE OF USE - presented by Gary Kirkland(?) co-coordinator with NET

This is a document required by businesses to operate in the City of Rochester.

- Certificate of Use: in 1996, this was originally created to deal with problem businesses

- program was recently re-evaluated and compared with other cities

~ new businesses must get Certificate of Use before opening

~ Certificate of Use is signed by Mayor

~ 200 per month - until 1st year is over - they are mailed out to existing businesses

~ NET oversees this process

~ they are up for an annual renewal - only good for the life of that particular business

conditional certificates were created

~ eliminates the power of attorney - only the business operator is on the Certificate Of Use

~ provides enhanced screening of applicants - more in depth information is gathered and kept

~ immediate ticketing - giving them a 30 day notice to comply

~ NET has the authorization to deny or revoke the Certificate Of Use

~ expands list of business types to include: food, bars, restaurants, dry cleaners, etc.

~ new stores: retail, liquor stores, hair and nail shops, etc.

Fee Structure:

~ $100 Certificate Fee - the separate $10 application fee is waived for current license holders

Conditional Certificate Of Use for problem location:

~ $300 application fee - are there any "points" on the property?

~ requested by recommendation by NET assessor

- can suggest better screening of customers

- NET can revoke without due process after notification, via court order

- they would then be ineligible to reapply for one (1) year

NET to review/assess applications

- can vacate that unit of the building

- police calls for service

- resident complaints

- nuisance points

- works with residents/neighbors

- strengthens the community

Question: What if the operator refuses to pay the $300 fee? Answer - Sharon C. of the NET: immediate ticketing

Question: Does the NET have the authority to shut down the problem business? Answer: YES

~ building owners could be brought in to assist in vacating the problem business

~ application requires disclosure if there are any other persons/or previous owners

- any falsification on application will result in denial of Certificate Of Use

Question: Why does it seem some places are open 24hours?

zoning dictates the hours of operation

example: R-1 cannot exceed 11pm C-2 area has a 2am limit - when applying, hours must be listed

- business can request a Certificate of Non Conformity: must show why they need to be open past 11pm

Question: How does the monitoring work?

~ each mid-month the list is updated

~ it is required that the Certificate Of Use be prominently posted

~ to make sure no business is skipped nor targeted, the list will be alphabetical

~ after the 1st year, all will have the new Certificate Of Use, or they will not be in business


example: garbage/board of health will enforce - also contact NET office

~ problem with a "mixed use" building - property owner will be brought in to enforce codes

~ business will be on warning

Question: How many tickets before enforcement?

~ property can be taken - after taxes are unpaid: LONG PROCESS

~ hoping for voluntary compliance

Question: Is the Certificate Of Use renewed every year?

~ 95% of businesses are not problems

~ fees are to pay for the program

~ no doubling-up on fees - example: $350 Entertaining $250 Amusement

~ business operator pays, not building owner

~ the C of U person has to be the operator of the store, IE: the one who is accountable

Question: How does this apply to franchises, such as Wilson Farms?

~ corporation’s regional manager or store’s manager on certificate - not the corporation’s name

~ Certificate Of Use is issued to "John Doe" - operator of the business


HOUSES LIST: Mike V.(Pres.) read - problem locations ready for demolition or other work: fines are growing!

Mike V. (Pres.): made note of some large fines - Otis St location owes $8000 - Willow St location owes $1100

HOUSING REPORT - Sharon C. of the NET:

~ "hopeful lights"- some locations are inspectedevery month via work order

Question: What about vacant buildings?

Sharon C. of NET: call us (the NET office) and we’ll cite it

Bob V. (V.P.): call us (L.O.N.A.) to add homes to the update list

Sharon C. of NET: trying to keep it to two pages

bold type is most recent action

HGW = High Grass and Weeds

"K" letter is sent before ticketing action is taken

talk to NET - give them a work schedule that will be done on the property


BURGLARY/ROBBERY REPORT presented by Policeman Joe:

PCIC Meeting - 1st Tuesday of each month for Sector 3 run by Captain Davis at 1099 Jay St - 7pm

~ home invasions are up

~ Officer Vaughn gave a presentation (6 incidents)

~ female victim each time, 50+ years of age

~ robbery happened during daytime hours

~ women were shoveling or had just returned home with groceries

~ perpetrator is a male between the ages of 20-30 years old

~ targeting the victims because they were alone

~ Officer Joe stresses awareness - neighbors know who belongs - home safety / personal safety

Crime Stats are complied by sector: Offers comparisons by year/month/etc.



4 new ones residing in Lyell-Otis Area

"Level 2" - injunction lifted - more notifications : Officer Joe will keep us up-to-date

SECTOR 3 PAC-TAC: van purchased, via Kodak grant, for use as a crime prevention tool

~ four (4) newly trained volunteers

~ Franklin Louk and Bob Stevenson trained on Lake section’s van

~ 31 volunteers = 1300 hours y-t-d 2005

Question: Can anyone drive the van?

Answer: Yes! No special license required

Comment: Snow shoveler coming around knocking on doors around midnight

Comment: Collectors at Mt. Read Blvd. and Lyell Ave begging for money - they claim to be from a church, but this cannot be confirmed - spotted on Sat 2/12/05

Comment: Snow shoveling incident at 10:45pm - the person came up Waldo St, van parked out front, two (2) women ask to "use your phone" — this was a SCAM!

Officer Joe: CALL HIM! Also, don’t take anyone’s word — verify work order from RG&E and such

Use your best judgement!


ON A LIGHTER NOTE: Sharon C. of the NET

Susan B. Anthony House — open to all, no charge, 11am-4pm on 2/15/05 (Susan B. Anthony’s Birthday)


CITY COUNCIL REPORT - presented by Bob Stevenson

CRIME STOPPERS - convicted felony fugitive flyer published in the D&C paper

~ $4000 each time — about six (6) times a year = about $24000/year

~ 78 were arrested in 26 days

~ $200 –> $5000

~ tips for warrant leads to arrest on murder charge

     - Three (3) given out this year so far!

March 24, 2005 — Phon-A-Thon

~ govt.’ used to fund the printing costs - but this has been cut

~ raised $72K last year (goal had been $17K)

~ held from 5am-7pm on WHAM-AM 1180 and TV Channel 13

~ help us reach our $50K goal for this year!


headed by City Counsel and Board Of Health/Dept. Of Health

$1000 — $3000 can help pay for lots of new windows!


County Executive Maggie Brooks - pushing for Pesticide Notification Law

~ 24 hour advance notice

~ legislation signed by Governor Pataki

~ to be voted on Thursday 2/17/05 at noon

~ at this time - not for drop spreader, spray application only


Two (2) gas stations lost right to sell lottery and tobacco products

$8000 assessed in fines to stores selling to under age by tactical unit working with kids

28 stores - no one sold to underage - held twice a year


city of Rochester can bid up to $26.5Mil

10% certified check needed to be able to bid


Civilian Emergency Response Team - activated when first responders are tapped out

- 20 people in Charlotte, 35 people in Maplewood - anyone is invited to participate!