Sunday, June 10, 2012

Are you a super hero? We need your help!

Calling all those who fight for
truth, justice, and the American way!

We need Court Watchers A.S.A.P.!

Court Watch is an all volunteer program. It is a way of bringing our Lyell-Otis neighborhood's presence into the courtroom, to let the judges know that we take our area of the city seriously, and we care about improving our quality of life. We would contact you approximately twice a month, or so, but you would really make a huge and positive difference in the way our judicial system operates!

Court watchers would meet at the courthouse by 9:30am, and be prepared to stay for a couple of hours. Parking can cost up to $8 dollars for the morning in the nearby parking garages/lots. Car pooling is the best way to go - to help the pocketbook, as well as the environment!

Please email Bob Stevenson to let him know that you are willing to help out, and he can answer any questions you may have. Bob and his wife have been Court Watch champions since LONA began this volunteer program ages ago! We just need more people willing to help, as more hands make light work! :)

We must demand that prostitutes and their customers ("Johns") all get the strongest punishments allowed by law. After one major prostitution detail a few months ago, we had a substitute judge (from a "rich" suburb) dismiss all the charges against the prostitutes and their customers because he did not care, nor understand, how these criminals affect our homes and our families' lives each and every day.

We don't want all the hard work of our police force to be for naught! Our police officers' long hours on the task, and meticulous attention to detail was completely disregarded, at our taxpayers' expense. The Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association (LONA) was so frustrated and infuriated by this judge's actions, and I believe our area's police officers felt let down by the system that they work daily to serve in a very professional manner.

The demand for the prostitutes' services must leave our area, as most of the customers are not city residents. We also encourage those offering their services to get the help that they desperately need - even if that help means spending time detoxing in jail.

Perhaps high school and/or college students would be able to get some sort of extra-credit for their Participation in Government, other Social Studies, or English classes for keeping a journal/log of your experiences helping out over this summer. Hey, if you don't ask, you'll never know! (Plus, there are bike racks that a bicycle could be locked onto while you were inside volunteering, so you would not spend any money to park, *and* you could get in a little workout as well! It's all good!)

I'd be willing to drive 3 people there and back, as I can't stay through the session, but I'd be glad to offer my driving skills to help advance this cause! :) Text/call me at: 585-773-5170 after contacting Mr. Stevenson.

Thanks in advance for your volunteer service, Super-Person! We couldn't do this without YOU!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Let's honor our RFD Engine 5!

The next LONA meeting will be on
Monday, June 11th, 2012

from 6:30pm - 7:45pm

at the Lyell Branch Library.

We will honor our RFD Engine 5 at this meeting,
as we truly appreciate all they do for our area!

We will also discuss our summer LONA events,
that we hope will help change our area's perception.
Parking is available in two adjacent lots.
Library staff will be on-hand to read with the children.
Please plan to attend, as we need and value your input!

More LONA info!

Recent flyers and minutes handed out at LONA's May 2012 meeting