Monday, April 16, 2012

You're Invited! Come honor our RFD Engine 5!

The next LONA meeting will be on
Monday, June 11th, 2012

from 6:30pm - 7:45pm

at the Lyell Branch Library.

We will honor our RFD Engine 5
at this LONA meeting.
We truly appreciate all they do for our area!

We will also discuss our upcoming LONA events, that we hope will help change our area's perception.

Parking is available in two adjacent lots.
Library staff will be on-hand to read with the children.
Please plan to attend, as we need and value your input!

Items received at April 9th, 2012 LONA mtg

Letter to LONA members, and other meeting attendees:

April, 2012

Dear Members:

The Executive Committee of the Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association has reviewed the films of the last meeting on March 12, 2012. We have come to the consensus that a disruption as we had at the last meeting will NEVER happen again. We CAN NOT and WILL NOT allow any racist statements from any individual at the meetings. The person and/or persons will be asked to leave.

The purpose of our meetings is to work as a team to improve the neighborhood. We had numerous calls from members after the last meeting complaining about what happened. They were so upset over the harsh words that were spoken; they said they would no longer attend meetings if this continued. We will NOT permit harsh words spoken that put member against member. If this was allowed to continue, it would defeat our purpose. Our By-Laws state:

The purpose of this Association shall be to develop and define the policies that shall promote the improvement of the Lyell-Otis Community and to strive to maintain the standards that benefit all residents of the area. This Association shall be: non-commercial, non-sectarian, non-partisan, non-racial, and welcomes all people regardless of race, sexual orientation, color, ethnicity, economic status, age or disability to participate in our efforts to improve our neighborhood community.

Thank You for understanding the Executive Committee’s decision in this important matter.


The Executive Board of the Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association

Lyell-Otis NA Meeting Minutes March 12, 2012

Meeting came to order at 6:30pm. Captain Georger introduced all fire fighters to the group. He informed us that they had 3100 calls last year. Many of them are serious fire calls. He said smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are available - call 311. Some of the projects the fire department is working on are: Vacant houses, Hydrant inspections, house to house inspections, Fire Prevention.

Mike spoke about the Brownfield meeting that was on Feb. 15th. He submitted a map of the area which will be affected. In our area, the schools are: #17 will get a new gym, #5 will be closed for asbestos removal.

There will be a meeting held on March 15th at 6:30pm at Edgerton Rec. Center to discuss contamination.

The traffic on Lyell Avenue has increased. We feel the new bike lane makes it even more dangerous.

We all know that the school on Austin Street was a mistake. We intend to give some suggestions to the Mayor and RCSD Superintendent about improvements we feel will help.

Cindy Harper spoke from Cameron Community Ministries; she informed us that they will be building a playground next to the church. They served about 7,000 meals last year. We were informed about many programs at the center such as: after school programs to help with studies, clothing available, they will be offering bike repair, offer fresh produce and bread, they also offer a kindergarten readiness program. Don’t forget to check out what else they may offer. The ribbon cutting for the playground will be in April or May. We will let you know.

Meeting ended 8:00pm. Next meeting: April 9th, 2012