Monday, May 31, 2010

Transit Center Project - draft copies

To view these, please click on the image. It should open up to a larger size.

"Thank you" to our member, Dick Rozen, for attending the meeting, and bringing us this information to share with our LONA group!

LONA Meeting Agenda June 14th, 2010, Minutes of May 2010

NeighborWorks Rochester's Annual Pix & Mix Event - June 9th

I hope everything is going well. I just wanted to forward you an invitation to NeighborWorks® Rochester’s Annual Pix & Mix event, which will be held at the public market on Wednesday, June 9th from 4pm-7pm.

Please feel free to forward this invitation to Lyell-Otis residents, and make sure to mention that we would appreciate submissions from local photo enthusiasts!

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, and I hope to see you at our event!

Jared Strohl
Homeownership Coordinator
NeighborWorks® Rochester
570 South Avenue
Rochester, NY 14620
Phone: (585)325-4170 x318
Fax: (585)325-2587

NeighborWorks® Rochester collaborates with people and partners to strengthen, sustain and promote city neighborhoods.

Join us for an evening of fun at the
NeighborWorks® Rochester 2nd Annual Pix & Mix Event
Wednesday, June 9, 2010 • 4-7 PM
at the Rochester Public Market
Ticket Cost: $5 in advance, $10 at the door
The event will feature: a photo contest with prominent guest judges, live music from Dan Schmitt and The Shadows, food, drinks and shopping at the Public Market.
For tickets or more information regarding the photo contest, please contact Rachel Atwood at 325-4170 ext. 332 or e-mail
Photo submissions are due no later than June 7 by 5 PM. For submission guidelines, please visit our website at, and click on "News/2nd Annual Pix and Mix Event."
Sposored by NeighborWorks® Rochester
570 South Avenue Rochester, NY 14620

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

LONA Meeting - Monday, May 10th, 2010

Lyell- Otis Meeting Minutes April 12th, 2010

Meeting began at 6:35 pm

Mike discussed the grants which the block clubs have received. He also touched on the History booklet the Association will do. The group was informed about speed bumps for Sherman Street. B/R report has been reviewed. There were 14 burgs but no robberies. The next meeting will be May 10th.

Engine 5 has moved to Emerson Street. They will be back at their station sometime in July, then they will do the 125 year celebration and open house.

Salena Boyd spoke to the group about the burglary at her home and the outcome of the grand Jury problems. She is diligently working to get a positive outcome.

Carla Palumbo spoke about city budget coming out in May. After a month review by Council the public can weigh in on it at a hearing which they are going to bring out to the public. A discussion took place about limiting the fire truck in Charlotte. It could be a dangerous situation due to the population of Charlotte. All board members voted for it.

Crime prevention officers spoke on drug activity. They reviewed what can be done. Drug tips were handed out to all. A long discussion took place about police procedure.
On May 15th the Library will hand out bikes and bike helmets. You must register and give child's age. You can call: 428-8220

The meeting closed at 8:00 pm.