Mayor Robert J. Duffy today announced that the 2007 Senior Citizen Tax Exemption applications for properties within the city of Rochester are due in the City Assessor's Office by Feb. 1, 2007. City officials want to avert confusion by highlighting that the City's application deadline is a month earlier than tax exemption applications for towns, which are due Mar. 1, 2007.
This year, the senior tax exemptions will range from a 50% reduction for those with 2005 incomes of $26,000 or less, to a 5% deduction for those who didn't earn more than $34,400.
To qualify for the 2007 Senior Citizen Tax Exemption, residents must be age 65 or older by December 31, 2007; be an owner-occupant; have owned the property for 12 months or more and their 2005 income must not have exceeded $34,400. Social Security benefits are included in the annual income amount.
Seniors should already have received applications in the mail. Additional applications can be obtained by calling the City Assessor's Office at 428-6994, going to City Hall at 30 Church St., Rm. 101A, or by downloading the application at and entering "Tax Exemptions" in the search field.
City Assessor Thomas G. Huonker reminds residents that Enhanced School Tax Relief (STAR), New York's school tax cut program for seniors over 65, is also available. Enhanced STAR is offered in addition to the City's Senior Property Tax exemption. Seniors will automatically receive the Enhanced STAR exemption if they are approved for the City's Senior exemption. If a resident doesn't qualify for the Senior exemption, he or she may still be eligible for Enhanced STAR if they did not earn more than $67,850 in 2005. The deadline for Enhanced STAR is also Feb. 1, 2007. Download STAR applications on the web at: and enter "Tax Exemptions" in the search box.
Residents can contact the City Assessor's Office at 428-6994 for further information about the exemptions.