Thursday, December 28, 2006


Mayor Robert J. Duffy today announced that the 2007 Senior Citizen Tax Exemption applications for properties within the city of Rochester are due in the City Assessor's Office by Feb. 1, 2007. City officials want to avert confusion by highlighting that the City's application deadline is a month earlier than tax exemption applications for towns, which are due Mar. 1, 2007.

This year, the senior tax exemptions will range from a 50% reduction for those with 2005 incomes of $26,000 or less, to a 5% deduction for those who didn't earn more than $34,400.

To qualify for the 2007 Senior Citizen Tax Exemption, residents must be age 65 or older by December 31, 2007; be an owner-occupant; have owned the property for 12 months or more and their 2005 income must not have exceeded $34,400. Social Security benefits are included in the annual income amount.

Seniors should already have received applications in the mail. Additional applications can be obtained by calling the City Assessor's Office at 428-6994, going to City Hall at 30 Church St., Rm. 101A, or by downloading the application at and entering "Tax Exemptions" in the search field.

City Assessor Thomas G. Huonker reminds residents that Enhanced School Tax Relief (STAR), New York's school tax cut program for seniors over 65, is also available. Enhanced STAR is offered in addition to the City's Senior Property Tax exemption. Seniors will automatically receive the Enhanced STAR exemption if they are approved for the City's Senior exemption. If a resident doesn't qualify for the Senior exemption, he or she may still be eligible for Enhanced STAR if they did not earn more than $67,850 in 2005. The deadline for Enhanced STAR is also Feb. 1, 2007. Download STAR applications on the web at: and enter "Tax Exemptions" in the search box.

Residents can contact the City Assessor's Office at 428-6994 for further information about the exemptions.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Flower City Work Camp information from the Lyell Avenue NET Office

FYI to all: I received this message from our NET's Jose Cruz. ~ Pam 11/21/06


This is quick reminder that the Flower City Work Camp is looking for homes to add to their list of home needing repair for this years upcoming work camp.  They are looking specifically for homeowners who are disabled, handicapped or "fall between the cracks".  They are especially interested in helping those individuals who need assistance but are not eligible for grants.     

The person power is provided by Junior and High School students under the expert supervision of adult leaders.  The work will be done over the Spring Break period, April 10th - 12, 2007.  Last year some 40 homes received basic roof repairs, cleaning, siding and painting.  Please note: these repairs are limited to the first floor only. 

There is no cost to the homeowners!

If you know of someone who would benefit from this program, please contact Roy Hodgson at 422.3302 or 377.4277.  

Thank you.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Update: Blue Bunny ice cream truck

There had been a Blue Bunny ice cream truck that was seen in operation over this past summer/fall, selling ice cream well after dusk, even past 10pm! It was a matter of concern to many area neighbors.

Ms. John looked in this problem, and contacted the city on behalf of LONA.

Please read the letters at your convenience. This seasonal problem should not resurface for at least a few months, but if you notice any other oddities in our area, please let LONA officers know. ~ Pam

A Book For All Seasons - from the City of Rochester

This is a great publication created by the City of Rochester. I am placing it on our website to help inform area residents, new and old, on how everyone can help improve our area's quality of life.

~ Pam

Thursday, November 16, 2006

For Immediate Release: Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Assoc. Christmas Party to be held December 11, 2006

The Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association will be holding its Christmas Party on Monday, December 11th, 2006. All Lyell-Otis area residents (especially those who are new to our neighborhood) are welcome!  

Please bring a dish to pass, as well as your family, and share in the yuletide festivities! Come meet your friendly neighbors over Pam's famous deviled eggs!   :)

This party will be held from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the Lyell Branch Library, located at 956 Lyell Avenue. Parking is available in two adjacent lots.  

The Lyell-Otis neighborhood is improving step by step --- come and be a part of the renewal and revitalization!

Also, our neighborhood cookbook will be available for sale, and makes a wonderful anytime gift!

Please note, that LONA will not meet during the months of January and February, as many members find it hard to attend due to the harsh winter weather, and the colds that trouble us, at that time of year.

For more information or clarification, please email Pamela R. Davis, Secretary, Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association at or call Bob Van Sice, Vice-President, Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association at (585) 458-3784.

LONA Meeting Minutes of November 13, 2006 - COMING SOON!!

LONA Meeting Minutes of November 13, 2006

Meeting began at 7:05pm (due to the television news coverage interviewing our President and Vice President before we got started)

Sector 3 awards at the Citizen's Assembly: 

Librarian Tom Blanda was awarded and thanked for his exemplary public service, and four special Lyell-Otis homes were recognized as being outstanding and beautiful assets to our neighborhood! 

Security Cameras:

LONA thanked NYS Assemblywoman Susan John (via her assistant, Ms. Malec) for allocating funds to target our neighborhood's increased security efforts. 

LONA thanked Ms. John for looking into the Blue Bunny ice cream truck issue as well. (letters can be seen online)

JP Riley Park Support Letters:

- LONA needs support letters from our neighbors to help us secure a grant that would improve the playground at the JP Riley park on Santee Street, between Otis and Emerson Streets. - The equipment is hazardous and needs to be updated for our children's safety. Strong Memorial Hospital and Allstate Insurance are donating $60,000 to renovate this playground. -This site was selected due to the many injuries of young children reported due to the dilapidated state of the equipment. -The neighborhood qualified for help because we are low-income, and have many young children in need of a safe play area. - Once completed, it will rival the renovations completed at the Maplewood Park and other Monroe County parks!

Please send your letter to Mike Visconte c/o the Lyell Avenue NET office as soon as possible! Thanks!



JP Riley Park - Support Letters Needed!

LONA needs your help!

We have the chance to get a grant to update and improve our JP Riley Park, but we need to show that area residents are interested in this opportunity.

Please use this letter as an example. Put in your own words to personalize it. Please ask your friends and neighbors to write letters as well.

Mail the letters to:

          LONA President, Mike Visconte

          c/o Lyell Avenue NET Office

          492 Lyell Avenue

          Rochester, NY 14606

Thanks for your help!! This will be a great improvement for our neighborhood!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

LONA Meeting Minutes of October 16th, 2006

Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes of October 16th, 2006

Meeting Began: 7:05pm
September’s meeting minutes were approved.
- the % increased too much; very unusual for our nice area!
NET’s CPO Steve Boily
- police are still shorthanded; it’s possible Steve might get a partner in February 2007
- no lieutenant at the NET office; our area supervised by Lt. Cree from the Lake Section
- no more noise details at this time
- prostitution details: 1- 2 times per week for 2 hour periods
- 6 weeks averaged 100 girls per week
- police have been shifted to attend to other duties, not available to do more details, as there must be a minimum of 10-12 officers per detail
- around mid-November, maybe, we’ll get more officers back to complete a large scale detail
- Aab St is #1 on police’s list, but officers must maintain constitutionality and procedures/policies to make solid arrests; officer’s hands are tied
* call the Mayor’s Office ~ 428-7045 ~ to request more action *
NET Inspector Chuck Stechna - working with the property owners whenever possible
NET Administrator Jose Cruz - contact your county legislator, senator, and city council
- surveillance was discussed: digital not useful, as it could be tampered with; must use film and videotape
NET REPORT - Administrator Jose Cruz
- approx. 450 volunteers helped in the Fall Clean Sweep!  
     “Thank You” to all who participated!
- the Certificate of Use (C of U) will be enacted again to help get rid of problem/bad businesses
- strapped for police; we only have Steve and Dave
Chuck added: re prostitution, LA 230's Jennifer Wolfly works with the CPOs
- looking at ways to tackle the problem; improve services to the women in and out of jail
- trying to get funding for billboards, asthe “johns” are just as much a part of the problem
- looking to get matching grants with local businesses
LONA’s President Mike Visconte
- in his past experience, Mary Magdalene house was not effective at helping the women
*PLEASE NOTE* - the current efforts by Jennifer W., in tandem with our CPOs, are wonderful, but more resources need to be made available to Mary Magdalene house, LONA, and our Lyell Avenue NET office to combat this ongoing problem.
- many people are dissatisfied with the actions of the NET and local government
- Sector 3's Candidate Night was on Thursday October 12th
- Sector 3's Citizen’s Assembly will be on October 23rd at Edgerton Community Recreation Center’s Stardust Ballroom at 6pm, catered by Petrillo’s
- LONA’s next meeting will be on prostitution - we will have many guest speakers

- ## Aab St is a BAD drug house, he knows and is working with police and residents to close it
- re: cameras - looking for donations to use around #30 school, and on Chase St as well
Mr. Stevenson described an incident last year at Charlotte High School
- there had been problems in the area by kids skipping classes and bothering residents and younger #43 school kids
     - he met with the RCSD and told them to take care of the kids
     - he also gave residents a number to call the school directly if they saw students out of class
- there are 4 floors in Charlotte HS, but they only had 3 security people, one of whom stayed at the front door
- there are now 5 total security people, one per floor and one for the front entrance
- there is a vice principle of security, whose phone number was given to area residents on a magnet if they needed to reach her, as well as 18 cameras mounted outside the building
- Councilman Stevenson and 10 volunteers helped patrol the area on the first day of school
- 12 students were caught skipping classes on that day
- after having their pictures taken, 9 went back to school, 3 ran and got on a bus
- not 1 truant since!!!
- W.A.V.E. (Warrants Arrests Violations Evictions) reinstated - ## Aab St still has bullet holes
- Councilman Stevenson will ask CPO Minnik to contact “resident X” from Aab St
- Matthew Finger reported his guns were stolen, and when police investigated, they found crack and pot in his possession! He’ll serve 7 years in jail and 5 on parole; FCC came in to help as well
- surprised this hadn’t been brought to her attention!
- looked into the Blue Bunny ice cream truck issue, there currently aren’t any listed hours of operation on the permit
- question of residency restrictions for sex offenders, currently none in Monroe County
LONA’s Security - Franklin Louk
- caught the pickup truck on Wolff St/Rogers Ave leaving big mess/rocks
- re: A+ Sunoco on corner of Sunset and Lyell has had 90 calls for police service and one arrest
- we would like to see it closed from at least 2 am to 6 am, not open 24 hours a day!
Meeting Adjourned: 8:40pm

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


For Immediate Release:


Rochester, NY -

NYS Assemblywoman Susan John, will appear at a press conference on Wednesday, October 25th, 2006, at 2pm, at the Lyell Avenue NET office. The NET office is located at 492 Lyell Avenue.

The press conference will be for the purpose of announcing a budget allocation of $250,000 to the Lyell-Otis Neighborhood to help provide security cameras to the area.

This is an open press conference and representatives from all western NY media outlets are encouraged to attend.

Local officials, neighborhood officers, and area residents will be in attendance, and available for comment after the press conference.

For more information, please contact LONA President, Mike Visconte, at 663-8986.

We look forward to seeing you there!

LONA wishes to warmly thank Ms. John for all of her hard work and dedication to our neighborhood as our NYS Assemblywoman. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

LONA's Meeting Minutes of September 11, 2006

Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes of September 11, 2006

Meeting Began at 7pm, discussion of August’s minutes, and introduction of guest speakers.

Announcements: President Mike welcomed the fire fighters to our meeting.

August’s Minutes were approved.

Vice President Bob reviewed the August meeting neighbor comments:

- regarding the prostitution issue: LONA officers have been working with the police and Councilman Bob Stevenson to get the prostitutes and "johns" arrested and out of our area.

- Bob went over an example of what information the police need to receive from neighbors to help them do their jobs: what is happening - drugs, prostitution, graffiti; who is involved - describe the people; what time is the activity happening; any license plate numbers or descriptions of vehicles.

Vince Rizzo, Assistant District Attorney was in attendance to hear our concerns, & let us know what steps are being taken to fix the problems of drugs and prostitution in the Lyell Avenue area

Susan John, NYS Assemblywoman will look into the legality/permit of the ice cream truck that has been seen in the neighborhood at all hours of the day, as there may be drug activity going on.


- Lyell-Otis had four robberies, which is a high number, and not normal in our neighborhood

- the department is still shorthanded, 2 officers instead of 4; one will return after Thanksgiving

- re: prostitutes - 2 details yielded 28 arrests!

- fewer details will be held in the coming months, due to fewer available personnel.

- noise details are down to 1 or 2 per week, giving police time to catch up on their "knock and talks", which they do about 20 per week, which yields about 1 drug arrest each week.

- police are working with the Mary Magdelene house to help get intervention services to the prostitutes; 3 of the details in August were able to get some help to approximately 40 women

- officers are stretched for time and can’t observe the prostitutes/drug dealers for 20 minutes to be able to verify that they are loitering or soliciting, as that would take up too much time from their other more immediate responsibilities

Assistant D.A. Rizzo- anyone can verify the activity, but still must get the police involved

- judges can only instructthe ladies to stay off of "X Ave", but cannot tell them where to live

- Lyell-Otis neighbors are fed up with the blatant actions of the prostitutes and "johns"

Susan John - updated LONA on the Sex Offender registry information

- new laws were enacted August 23, 2006; anyone already in the system will not be held to the new rules, making the whole situation a bit confusing

- Previously, Level 3's (the worst type of offenders) had to register, where the details of their crime, address, and photo would be listed for 10 years

- Level 2's or 1's registered less information, only some crime details, no specific address, photo not always available to the public

- All were supposed to keep their information current and check in with the police/parole officers

- Now, Level 3's are to be registered for life, Level 2's are now to be registered for 30 years with more information provided to the public, like address and photo.

- There is a detailed process for determining the requirements, as these people have been convicted at different times, and are not subject to the same laws. If they were convicted in other states and moved to NY, they would have to register in NY as well.

- the DNA database has been expanded as well, so if the offense involves a child, the offender will be on the registry for life; as well as increasing the laws for predators on the internet

Assistant D.A. Rizzo

- no plea bargains for prostitutes; unfortunately many consider going to jail the cost of doing business.

- NYC and other big metro areas don’t want to go to jury trial, as the resources are too short to deal with so many criminals

Mike Duprey, Rochester Fire Department

- will give away fire detectors for free - JUST ASK!

- house numbers can also be given out at the NET office; should be contrasting color from house

- each fire station conducts from 200 to 500 inspections; currently reviewing which party is responsible for inspections (Fire Dept or NET)

CERT Training - next one scheduled for September 13th at 6pm at the Jones training center on Scottsville Road; trains for natural disasters/emergencies, as well as search and rescues and CPR

- CERT is part of Homeland Security funds

Judge Crowder running for city court; has worked in criminal law, and with Judge Schwartz

City Council Vice President Gladys Santiago - concerned about the police officer shortages

Jose Cruz, NET’s Administrator (428-7620)

TOP 15 List of Properties- update progress and monitor these homes; some are sold, others are demolished; concerns for seniors - Lifespan organization is helpful

- HG&W, unlicenced vehicles or parking on lawn, etc

- some things are taken care of quickly, others take more time

- Oct. 14th Fall Clean Sweep - 8:30am - Edgerton Recreation Community Center; need volunteers

Carla Palumbo, Monroe County Legislator - budget info, proposals are in,

- audit from the water authority, force an investigation; a report was promised to be in by 9-12-06

- D.A.’s office is looking into any criminal misbehavior, as unethical behavior is not prosecutable

- majority are trying to push the budget deadline back past election day, giving less time for debate and review; no democrats will vote for this

- always can make your opinion known, and request to speak at the meeting by calling 753-1950

Neighbor’s Request - could Dr. Doniger speak to LONA on the prostitution issue?

Meeting Adjourned: 8:40pm

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Meeting Minutes from LONA's TOWN MEETING - August 14th, 2006


Michael Visconte, President ---------- Robert Van Sice Vice President

Marian Batz, Treasurer ----------- Pam Davis, Secretary ------------ Frank Louk, Safety




Meeting was called to order by LONA President, Mike Visconte, at 7:05 PM,

- Introduced People at head table.

- Showed Pictures of LONA’s National Night Out Against Crime August 1, 2006

- Described normal agenda for regular Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association meetings.


People at the head table spoke:


Assistant to Mayor Duffy - Darryl W. Porter

-         Mr. Porter welcomed everyone, and stated he was available for questions.


Molly Clifford, Director of Neighborhood Empowerment Teams

-         Introduced Jose Cruz and Charles Stechna from the Lyell Avenue Net Office.

-         Net focuses on neighborhood housing.

-         Lead paint project is underway at this time.

-         Lyell Net Office will be open Wednesday evenings until 8 PM.

-         Next “Clean Sweep” is October 14, 2006 in our area.


Fire Chief - Floyd Madison

-         “We want to prevent emergency problems before they happen and improve quality of life in neighborhoods by education.” (Eg. CERT training).

-         He provided handouts and phone numbers.


Temporary Police Commander - Captain Peter Leach

-         The police department is focusing on street corners, gun and drug arrests.

-         These, plus special attention from the vice squad and sheriff’s department on “Hot Spots” and noise details, are also current priorities.


Officer Steve Boily, CPO at the Lyell Net Office.

-         Covers Pac-Tac, noise control, and vice squad.

-         He also is working to get prostitutes off streets and into some type of rehab. He does this in conjunction with social workers.


Dana K. Miller, City Council

-         He is working on public safety, quality of life and other issues that are important.

-         He stated Pac-Tac is greatly needed.

-         He supports the curfew, and “Night Out” was great this year.


Representative for Gladys Santiago, City Council

-         Gladys worked on clean sweep

-         Works on prostitutes and drug issues through Mary Magdalene house.

-         Working on new housing plan to assist renters become owners, “call us for help”.


Robert J. Stevenson, City Council

-         Reviewed prostitution information, including current details.

-         Also reviewed court watch information.

-         Needs Court watchers from Lyell Otis.


John F. Lightfoot, City Council

-         Helped to enlarge fireworks display.

-         Working on starting ananti-litter campaign, mental health issues,reduce drug and alcohol use through education.


William F. Pritchard, City Council

-         Pleased that 7 of the 9 Council members were represented.

-         Would like more businesses in Lyell Ave neighborhood

-         Thinks noise ordinance enforcement is very important to accomplish this.

-         He feels NET is doing a good job in this area to enforce quality of life.


Adam C. McFadden, City Council

-         Chairman of public safety committee.

-         Working on curfew, and Quality for Kids committee at #30 and #43 Schools. (They need volunteers to be responsible adults in kids’ lives).


Representative for Carolee A. Conklin, City Council.

-         Carolee works with Pac-Tac, YWCA, and Anthony House.


From the audience:


Andrew Staucovitch, Charity “Friendship Helping Friends” - Needs tax free exemption same as charitable organizations


Resident from Cameron Street - Needs an area for children to play.


Rick Macural, “Rainbows of Faith” - Help youth with spiritual needs for life. They have marches for faith for the Kids.


Resident from Sunset Street - “Heat is On Committee” Disagree with RG&E budget proposal for October 2, 2006


- Several Residents talked on the prostitution situation in our neighborhood.

- It is wide spread and keeps moving. It never leaves the neighborhood completely.

- Resident pointed out that the Cordial Lounge adds to prostitution and buying and selling drugs.

- Resident pointed out that a drug house exists near the intersection of Avery and Palmyra Streets.

- This situation has encouraged the dropping off of prostitutes, leaving some of their cars and performing their activities in this area.


Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM


Respectfully submitted by Marlene Van Sice

Friday, August 4, 2006

LONA's TOWN MEETING - August 14th, 2006

LONA's TOWN MEETING - Monday, August 14th, 2006

7pm at the Lyell Branch Library (956 Lyell Avenue)


LONA is pleased to announce that our guest speaker panel for this evening will include many of our local officials or their representatives: 

- Mayor Bob Duffy (or a member of his administration, in case a last minute emergency needs his attention that evening)

- Chief Of Police: David T. Moore

- Fire Chief: Floyd Madison

- City Council Members: Dana Miller, John Lightfoot, Adam McFadden, and Bob Stevenson

- NYS Assembly representative for Susan John

- Monroe County Legislature representative for Carla Palumbo

- the NET's Director: Molly Clifford


Also, our neighborhood cookbook will be available for sale, and makes a wonderful anytime gift!

For more information or clarification, please email Pamela R. Davis, Secretary, Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association at or call Bob Van Sice, Vice-President, Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association at (585) 458-3784.



We had wonderful attendance at this meeting!

Thanks to all the city officials and neighbors who joined in our kick-off event at the Lyell Branch Library!

We hope to see you at our next meeting on September 11, 2006! ~ Pam :)

FYI - Upcoming Meetings

The Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association (LONA) meetings are held at the Lyell Branch Library, located at 956 Lyell Avenue - at 7:00pm:                     

                December 11, 2006

                   March 12, 2007

                     April 9, 2007

                     May 14, 2007

                     June 11, 2007

        No LONA meetings will be held in January or February.


           Please feel free to invite your neighbors!

     This is OUR neighborhood! Show your support!

Annual Dues are only $5.00 per family per year! (If you'd like, you can pay for two years at once for a total of only $9!) Dues go towards administative costs to operate this non-profit, all-volunteer organization. If you cannot afford to pay, we still hope that you will attend our meetings! We need everyone's input to help make neighborhood improvements! 

Moms and Dads: make a great investment in your kids' future! Children learn by watching what we do, so let's set a good example for them!

Help keep the Lyell-Otis neighborhood a nice place to live  - and instill in your children a good sense of civic pride! It's the right thing to do!

*** The next HOUSING MEETING will be held at the Lyell Avenue NET Office - contact Pam at to get the date and time!!

If you have any properties to report that are making our area look bad with trash, debris, or unsafe conditions, please let your neighborhood association know, as we will pass along the information to the NET officials.

*** The next PCIC MEETING will be held at 7:00pm on the first Tuesday of each month at the Westside Police Station 1099 Jay Street. If you have any questions regarding this meeting,contact Lieutenant John Smith or Commander Russ Corridi.

*** The People Of Dutchtown meet at Holy Family Church, located at the corner of Ames and Jay Streets, on the third Thursday of each month. All are welcome to attend!

*** Sector 3 Planning Committee meets at 6pm at the Lyell Branch Library's Community Meeting Room on the fourth Monday of each month.

*** Interfaith Action - Call 458-1180 for more information.

*** If you know of any other neighborhood meetings that I have not listed here, please email me and I will include them ASAP! Thanks for helping keep everyone up-to-date and in-the-know! ~ Pam :)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

LONA Meeting Minutes of June 12, 2006

Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes of June 12, 2006


Meeting Began: 7:05pm



- New meeting location will be the Lyell Branch Library, starting on August 14th at 7pm

There is parking available in two adjacent lots. It is also handicapped accessible. 

- Our new calendar was distributed to the members in attendance. 

- We reviewed the minutes from the last meeting and our Burglary / Robbery Report. Minutes were approved. 

- There are two new sex offenders living in our area. We don’t have their exact addresses because they are Level 2s, and addresses are only provided for Level 3s.


The National Night Out Against Crime – two events on two nights:

- On Monday, July 31st – Sector 3 will host this event, meeting at 5pm Susan B. Anthony Square, then at 6pm driving through parts of the Sector 3 neighborhoods, and finally congregating at the Edgerton Community Recreation Center for a picnic dinner.

LONA will be supplying two piñatas filled with candy for the children under 12 years of age to enjoy. We are hoping that NYS Assembly Member Susan John will be willing to hold the piñata rope as the kids play. 

- On Tuesday, August 1st – On the Official National Night Out Against Crime, LONA will host our event at the Church Of Christ at 469 Lyell Avenue from 6pm-8pm. We willbe serving hotdogs and sodas, while offering face painting, balloons, and clowns for the kids. We will be distributing neighborhood safety information, as well as contact name and numbers for city departments that can help our area’s residents.


- Our first meeting of the new school year will be a TOWN MEETING on August 14th.  Refreshments will be available. LONA has invited our local officials, such as - the Mayor of Rochester, the Chief Of Police, the entire City Council, our Monroe County Legislator, and our NYS Assembly Member - to bring a summary of their accomplishments over the past year, as well as to answer questions from their constituents, your neighbors.


- Donations have been requested from local stores and officials, and many have come through for us! HURRAY!!


- We reviewed our operating budget:

LONA collected $110 in dues, but spent $189.68 in expenses, like copying and stationary supplies. This left a negative balance of $-79.68, which Mike covered from his own pocket. Our LONA Cookbooks brought in $614, and cost $330 to make, which again Mike covered from his own pocket, so once the funds were all shifted and Mike was reimbursed for his out of pocket expenses, LONA ended up with a positive balance of $3.93.


- Sector 3 Newsletter – LONA submitted our events and our mission statement for the first edition, which was sent to print on June 9th


NET Update: Jose Cruz (428-7622)

- Housing: Top 15 Problem Properties -   no list available from the NET office for the June 14th meeting

- Lead Forum at #17 School on June 19th, hosted by Molly Clifford, to help inform families, investors, etc.; our Lyell-Otis area is targeted as an area in need of help in fixing the lead problem; one must be properly trained to remove lead paint safely.


Business Walks:

-         NET officials have completed Lyell, Lake and Dewey Avenues; introduced themselves to store owners/operators

-         Frank Shepardson is helping to recruit for PAC-TAC

-         NET will eventually start “street walks” to help survey properties in the area


NET’s changes take effect in July:

-         changing inspectors, to bring new eyes and different experiences to each area

-         will build mentoring relationships among inspectors

-         hopes to make consistent NET offices, as some were working better (or were perceived that way) than others


High Grass and Weeds (HG&W) – NET is trying to stay on top of it, issuing tickets, making property owners comply with the law


NET’s CPOs are still changing, and “up in the air”; meeting scheduled for next week with Chief Moore; Lake, Genesee, and Lyell Sections will meet with the chief of the Westside, Commander Coriddi


Re: Rodgers Avenue and Wolf Street residents are concerned about the pallet company at the dead end side:

-         burning wood pallets (many pressure treated with toxic chemicals) and etc, that is not legal in the city, as banned by the Monroe County Board of Health’s Sanitary Code; must find out if a permit was issued to allow “open burning”; the bad smell goes through the neighborhood

-         prostitutes are working there and along the tracks; workers at the pallet company are picking up the hookers and “entertaining” them in their vehicles in the parking lot, where local neighbors (including young children) can observe them


Monroe County Legislator Carla Palumbo

-         the budget is at a stand-off: the county filed a lawsuit against everyone (city towns, villages, schools, ect); they must come to the table as part of the community; put in referrals on ways to manage the deficit; meeting on Tuesday


City Councilman Bob Stevenson

-         mono pole near railroad tracks at Otis and Curlew Streets will be a cellular tower, but they need a permit, as land is zoned “industrial”


City of Rochester crossed the billion dollar mark for it’s budget

-         432 million for the city and 600+ million for the school district

-         city depends on the sales tax; if intercept goes through 50 million would be lost – the price of the whole fire department

-         some groups have banned together to fight the county as schools would be hurt

-         if ¾ % increase in sales tax goes through, it could hurt county businesses


PAC-TAC was at the Paetec park opening; arrested one prostitute

-         court watch group has now followed 2000 appearances in court – a tremendous job!

-         would like to take the PAC-TAC van to saturate / intercept prostitutes in the area


City’s Budget: “Good” News – more cops will be on patrol; “Bad” News – Certificate of Use is out the window – it would’ve cost $586K (it was supposed to be self sufficient, as fees would pay for the program)

- Park Patrol is gone as well – not in the budget at all; asking for a budget amendment

-         playgrounds; four are in LONA area, but have no bathrooms, and fences are down

- No more Parks Department: Environmental Services & Heavy Equipment is a Division of Youth Recreation would run parks, and Environmental Services will mow; many new changes of divisions and organizations in the city under the Duffy administration

-         Public Hearing on the budget regarding the city and school district on June 14


Carla Palumbo re: Glide Street

-         from Lyell to Otis – new curbs!

-         From Otis to Emerson – dug out new waterlines and then new curbs

-         Bianchi Park: pushing the road over to create “cut-out” for parking

-         Traffic pattern study: 4500 vehicles per day - 85% traveled at 37 miles or less, only 15% go very fast, causing possible sideswipes and cause accidents at the intersection because it is a wide street with no striping, which can slow down the traffic

-         30’ vs 32’: people tend to drive slower if street were smaller, and less chance of losing trees; can’t put in speed bumps because it is a bus route

-         leaving the Emerson end as it is

-         plan to start construction in the Spring of 2007

-         Emerson to Otis will be one way, heading south


Rodgers Street Residents meeting with the NET’s Jose Cruz (had been going on while LONA conducted regular business)

-         Gail reported that Jose said “we’ll get back to you”

-         Thomas Mann issued a permit to the business, but did not inspect the property

-         Children (ages 7 and 10 years) report that the workers are with prostitutes in the parking lot

-         The owner and workers from the pallet company broke bottles on neighbors houses as a form of intimidation and harassment

-         Call fire department if you smell any smoke

-         Bob Stevenson added that prostitutes could be arrested for recidivism


NYS Assembly: (Susan John’s assistant attended on her behalf)

-         she’s happy to be coming back to Rochester from Albany

-         re: charter school issue: several are opposed to this because of the funding issue, requesting the governor to change how charter schools are funded

-         some charter schools are working, but they cost more to run than public schools; anti-John ad was paid for by a group in DC

-         4 to 1 of her constituents don’t want public funds going to charter schools



-         Rodgers Ave: cars being fixed out of a home’s garage illegally

-         Wolf and Warner Streets: fights with weapons at 11pm

-         NET not able to help at that time; residents are asked to call 911


Meeting Adjourned at 8:20pm

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

National Night Out Against Crime - Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association's NATIONAL NIGHT OUT AGAINST CRIME

Tuesday, August 1st, from 6pm-8pm at the Church of Christ, 469 Lyell Avenue

Come Join Us! Enjoy the free refreshments! Treats and face painting for the kids!

Please contact Bob at 458-3784 or Pam at for more information.


N.N.O.A.C. Follow-Up:

What a wonderful time we had that night! "Thank You" to all who helped make it possible!

The kids enjoyed having their faces, arms and hands painted, and received crayons, pencils, pens, erasers, candy, balloons and safety whistles!

The cold sodas were flowing and the delicious hots were cooked to perfection!

Next time, a sprinkler will be on hand to cool everyone, as many events that were scheduled for this night had been cancelled due to the excessive heat. We think a lot of folks were confused and assumed that we cancelled as well, so they missed out on the fun. We held our event inside in the air-conditioning, and those in attendance appreciated the comfortable space!


Please join LONA at our next event - our TOWN MEETING at the Lyell Branch Library on Monday, August 14th beginning at 7pm.

We'll see YOU there! :)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

LONA Meeting Minutes of May 8th, 2006

LONA Meeting Minutes of May 8th, 2006

Meeting Began at 7:04pm


-           We need volunteers for the Sector 3's National Night Out on July 31, and to help with LONA’s National Night Out on August 1st!

-           see April’s Minutes correction - see Meeting Minutes of April 10th, 2006

Burglary / Robbery Report:

-           4 robberies in our area used guns - this is unusual for our area!

-         Lee Rd. doctor’s office had a door damaged in attempted break-in

-         3 more burglaries in the Stenson St. area - very unusual for our area!

NET’s CPO Steve Boily:

-           Lieutenant Wood is still at our NET

-           parking issues and drugs on Michigan St; CPO has conducted "knock and talks"

-         it’s been busy at the NET with the preparations for our "clean sweep" on May 13th

-         CPOs have been busy with illegal gun possession and drug arrests

-         there is a rumor about a special PAC-TAC patrol around the PAETEC Park during their events

-         re: Dana St. - police are working on the situation, re: Sherman St - CPO will stop and visit them

-         please call and give CPOs detailed information to help with drug dealers and loitering, 428-7344

-         Glide St: business owner was chatty/helpful to the prostitutes; he was asked to stop aiding them

-         Property owner on Glide St. was "with" a prostitute when his wife was on her way home

-         710 and 738 Glide St have sex offenders living there

Housing Report:

-         Top 15 List was discussed

-         NET’s Chuck Stechna reported on the progression/regression on work schedules the NET is given by the property owners at various locations

-         wires hanging at railroad tracks are CSX’s; they will remove them from the ground

-         they are from telegraph poles, not RG&E or telephone poles

-         excellent response by NET on Norman St; Mary went to machine shop and got the spill cleaned

-         Emerson/Santee St brick building will be demolished; working on the asbestos right now

NET Report:

-           "Clean Sweep" from 9am-12pm on Saturday May 13th

-         Jose Cruz and Chuck Stechna went to the Genesee St area’s clean sweep last week to prepare for our event

-         refuse is collected from the curb everyday during the week; call NET for big/special pickups

-         there are 40 different project sites planned

-         attendance has been increasing at each clean sweep event; expecting over 600 participants

-         performance by "Airplay" which is a comedy/juggling act

-         t-shirts had to be reordered because of the overwhelming response! (Hurray!)

-         business walks will continue; the police chief required all police at his meeting, so they weren’t able to attend the most recent walk

-         NET office will be open until 8pm on Wednesdays, but only 4 people will be in the office, and inspections can be scheduled up to 6pm on Wednesdays

-         Lyell NET’s regular hours are 8am-5pm on Mon.,Tues., Thurs., and Fri., and Wed. 8am-8pm

-         they are beginning to talk about plans to clean in the fall as well, since this program has been so successful!

-         Lyell Business Association is starting the "Adopt-A-Block" program

-         450 houses have been demolished so far

Bob, LONA Vice-President:

-           tree planted in Sebastian Park, which is near Most Precious Blood Church

-         no changes from last month’s report on re: Brownfield information

Pam, LONA Secretary:

-           attended the LA230 group’s 2-day event; discussed the brainstorming ideas to combat this issue

-         participants voiced interest in raising the penalties for the "johns", especially public notification

-         group members also wanted the penalties raised for first time and repeat prostitution offenders

City Councilman Bob Stevenson:

-           spoke on the success of court watch and the drug court program

-         no public health department for the city of Rochester; went under the Monroe County Board of Health many years ago

-         prostitution is a public health problem; spreads AIDS, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis A & B, and STDs

-         Dr. Andy Doniger was the chairman of the LA 230 sessions; Mr. Stevenson attended both of the 3 hour sessions on Friday night and Saturday morning

-         Mr. Stevenson explained the science behind the problem at Durand Eastman Park Beach; that harmful bacteria prevents safe swimming in the water at the Charlotte Beach most days in the summer months, but those conditions aren’t as prevalent at the Durand location.

-         estimated costs range from $5 - $8 million to open the Durand Beach to public swimming, with all the necessary basic safety needs like life guards, restrooms, and parking

-         the city of Rochester owns the land, but Monroe County operates the park

Monroe County Legislator Carla Palumbo:

-           still working out the details of the county budget; no dispute that a deficit is in the future - how to solve it is up for debate; sales tax increase and "tax intercept" were both possible solutions

-         ideas to restructure how the county sheriff’s department is funded caused conflict between towns that only use sheriff patrols, and those who pay for the dept. but don’t get the same coverage because they also pay for their own town police dept.

-         idea to restructure the water authority’s surplus to help the city was not warmly received

-      idea to streamline village and town courts was instantly met with disdain

Mike, LONA President:

-           fund-raising at the concession area at PAETEC Park; need 2 months advance notice

-         longtime LONA member, Mrs. DiAngelo, passed away; held moment of silence in her honor

Meeting adjourned: 8:22pm

Sunday, May 7, 2006

LONA Meeting Minutes of April 10, 2006

Lyell-Otis Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes of April 10, 2006

Meeting Began at 7:01pm


-         many members are absent as they are attending the mayor’s "1st 100 Days" meeting


Top 15 List - the four LONA officers drive the whole LONA area each month to report on code violations and safety concerns

-         drug houses / information is turned over to Officer Minnik at the Lyell NET Office

-         spring clean-up: please volunteer! Our area’s "Clean Sweep" is on Saturday, May 13th

-         meet at the Edgerton Recreation Center at 9am

-         pick up your t-shirt and enjoy a continental breakfast

-         sweep with your team until 1pm, then reconvene to enjoy a picnic lunch

-         garbage will be collected everyday from May 8th - 13th

-         if street light is out, or trees need trimming to clear power/phone lines, call 428-5990


-         was supposed to be from NET office on Lyell Ave to Austin St, up to Otis St, over to Cameron St, and back down Lyell Ave to the NET office

-         this walk did not happen; only walked on Lyell Ave

CORRECTION: The NET is currently walking and talking to the businesses on Lyell Ave. They do intend to walk and talk with neighbors on the residential streets after the businesses project is completed. - Thank you Chuck S. for this correction!


-         plans to demo homes on Broad, Saratoga, Grape, Smith and other streets to improve the aesthetics of the area

-         the "Clean Sweep" will be working with the PaeTec Park folks as well

-         rumor has it that PaeTec Park will have special PAC-TAC patrols; notyet verifiable


-         3 incidents where a gun was involved; Rockview Terrace location was a repeat; happened while resident was unloading groceries after work at 1am


-         two more Level 2's moved into our neighborhood; Edgardo Ortiz and Jonathan Mallory


-         "what to do" info sheet distributed to meeting attendees

-         NOTE: do NOT approach the house!

-         CPO Steve Boily is new to our NET office, but has worked in our area for 10 years in Maple Section, Josana and Westside area

-         looked forward to becoming involved in our neighborhood group

-         contact him at 428-7344 (Officer Vaghn’s old number)

-         Michigan St drug house has lots of cars, people counting money and passing items back & forth inside cars or in front of house (left of downstairs apt.), all different times of day

-         parking on wrong side of street; this is happening all over our neighborhood!

-         Makes it very difficult for other cars and school buses to pass; one offender is the handicapped van service that is there between 3pm-3:30pm near Bloss and Saratoga Sts


-         next year’s meeting location will be the Lyell Branch Library

-         there will be a big kick off on August 14th, 2006


-         Our LONA neighborhood’s event will be on the official National Night Out on Tuesday, August 1st

-         Our entire Sector’s event will be the day before, Monday, July 31st at the Edgerton Recreation Center


-         1 ½ years ago, Sector 3's Brownfield areas were discussed / studied

-         12 properties in our sector (only a few in the LONA area) had been condemned / contaminated

-         there had been previous ideas on how to clean and how to improve the environment

-         find out more about this online at:


-         books are still available for only $6.00


-         the budget was passed on-time for the second year in a row!

-         funds were requested to send LONA rep to PAC-TAC convention


-         Any Lieutenant at the NET yet? - no, there is a rumor that a Sargent will be assigned soon, as a regular officer does not have the authority to arrange other officers for needed operations

-         RE: PAC-TAC; if you want to join, call the NET office; a copy of the information from previous convention - which was over 500 pages of items, went to the CPO at the NET, another copy went to LARC; a report should be given to the group

-         there hadn’t been any follow up on the "school report" or the "safety for children report"


-         lunch program is serving more people;up 17% in the past six months

-         met with NET’s new administrator, Jose Cruz

-         Mayor Duffy is planning to visit CCM before the end of April 2006

-         State Senator Robach is the honorary chair of their fund-raising golf tournament

Meeting Adjourned at 8:31pm